Justin Challenge Fics are Posted!

Nov 17, 2007 01:03

I've posted all the entries I received for the Justin challenge on IJ -- FIFTEEN STORIES! Thanks to everyone who wrote, and their betas! Thanks most of all to
_alicesprings  for letting me guest host this challenge in her community. I love you all!

Since there were some problems with my email for a short time (a test email I sent myself never came, so hey.... they were real!), I will accept submissions from anyone who had signed up and swears to me on the perfect ass of Justin Taylor that they really truly sent it and I never got it. If your fic is not here, post here or contact me at xie.kay@gmail.com and we'll get it taken care of.

Remember, please do not reveal yourself as author, respond to comments on your fics, or post this anywhere else until I reveal the authors in five days. That will be on Nov 21. A complete author's list is here.

Also, and I'm really sorry about this because it's a huge pain in the ass and not in a PLAW, but InsaneJournal disabled comment tracking until their forthcoming system update, because the growth they had in the last few months almost made their servers -- even their nice big new server -- explode. So if you are an author, be sure to check on your fic for comments, because you won't get email notifications. Hopefully this feature will be re-enabled before any future challenges.

Fic Links in the Order They Appear:

Working Relationship
High Upon the Magic That You Weave
Black Bag
Justin Taylor vs. The Alphabet
Justin's Way
A Rainy Day
The Sum of All Parts
Tonight's the Night
The Journey
Everyone needs a little boost sometimes
Plain White Tee's
The Plan

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