
Feb 02, 2017 16:54

Новости из Конгресса США. О своем расследовании российского вмешательства в выборы заявила сенатская подкомиссия под названием Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism. В функции этой комиссии входит надзор над деятельностью ФБР, включая обеспечение независимости этой деятельности от политических мотивов. Комиссию возглавляет матерый сенатор Линдси Грэм, который не относится к поклонникам Трампа.

“We look forward to investigating Russia’s efforts to influence democratic elections, both here at home and abroad.

“Our goal is simple - to the fullest extent possible we want to shine a light on Russian activities to undermine democracy. While some of our efforts will have to be held behind closed doors due to security concerns, we also hope to have an open discussion before the American people about Russia’s strategies to undermine democracy.

“Our efforts will be guided by the belief that we have an obligation to follow the facts wherever they may lead.”

The subcommittee plans to fulfill the following goals:

- Gain a full understanding of the American intelligence community’s assessment that Russia did take an active interest and play a role in the recent American elections.
- Learn more about the methods Russia has used to target democratic nations and elections.
- Explore possible avenues to help prevent and deter future foreign influences from affecting American elections and institutions.
- Assure that Congress provides the FBI the tools it needs to keep its investigative work protected from political influence.

В то же время в одной из самых могущественных комиссий Конгресса, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, расгорелась горячая дискуссия по поводу правомерности расследования российского вмешательства в выборы. Председатель комиссии, Джейсон Чаффетс, сумел задавить попытки демократов инициировать такое расследование.

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В августе 2016 Чаффетс обещал расследовать возможные конфликты того, кого выберут в президенты, и не превращаться в "cheerleader for the president". Но, судя по всему, это обещание он пока не собирается исполнять.

SCIUTTO: Let me ask you about Donald Trump. And I know you have said you will support the Republican nominee. Does Donald Trump's refusal to release his own tax returns, which would show his business interests and might raise questions about potential influence on his own campaign of money interests, or if he were to be elected president, does that not raise the same question? Shouldn't he be equally transparent on his business relationships, his investments, et cetera?

CHAFFETZ: If you're going to run and try to become the president of the United States, you're going to have to open up your kimono and show everything, your tax returns, your medical records. You are going to just going to have to do that. It's too important. So, both candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, should show both their medical records and their tax returns, absolutely.

SCIUTTO: Fair point. Let me ask you. In your position as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, if either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is elected president, can we expect a series of public investigations and inquiries on these kinds of topics, if either of them is elected?

CHAFFETZ: Hey, the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is going to be the place to win no matter who wins this election. I think Republicans, quite frankly, made a mistake when George W. Bush was president and they helped control the House. It seems, through the metrics, that they actually let off of the gas pedal. No matter who wins, we have a duty, a responsibility under the Constitution to actually be that check and balance. So, I hope to continue to be the chairman of that committee, and I can promise you I don't care who is in the White House. My job is not to be a cheerleader for the president. My job is to hold them accountable and to provide that oversight. That's what we do.

Между тем Нэнси Пелоси, лидер демократического меньшинства в Палате представителей Конгресса, воспользовалась новостью про ослабление санкций, чтобы еще раз призвать к созданию единой независимой комиссии.

I have been asking the same question for a while: what do the Russians have on President Trump? The FBI must accelerate their investigation into the financial, personal and political ties between Donald Trump and Russia. President Trump’s reckless and dangerous agenda is jeopardizing America’s national security.

With every day that passes, the need for a bipartisan, independent, outside commission to investigate Russia’s intervention in our election becomes clearer and more urgent. We must understand how Russia hacked into our democratic institutions, and ensure it never happens again.

ФБР, хакеры, Конгресс

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