Примечательные моменты в показаниях Коми:
1. Призыв к патриотизму:
The reason this is such a big deal is we have this big messy wonderful country where we fight with each other all the time, but nobody tells us what to think, what to fight about, what to vote for except other Americans. And that's wonderful and often painful. But we're talking about a foreign government using technical intrusion and lots of other methods tried to shape the way we think, we vote, we act. That is a big deal. And people need to recognize it. It's not about Republicans or Democrats. They're coming after America, which I hope we all love equally. They want to undermine our credibility in the face of the world. They think that this great experiment of ours is a threat to them, and so they're going to try to run it down and dirty it up as much as possible.
That's what this is about. They will be back, because we remain, as difficult as we can be with each other, we remain that shining city on the hill, and they don't like it.
2. Прямые показания о вранье Трампа.
In his opening remarks, Comey flashed anger at Trump's characterization of him as unpopular among the rank and file of the FBI as well as the idea that the bureau was disorganized and chaotic.
"Those were lies. Plain and simple," Comey said flatly.
Then, when asked by Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-Va.) why he felt the need to document his meetings with Trump when he didn't do the same with past presidents, Comey responded: "I was honestly concerned he might lie about the nature of our meeting."
In the second hour of the hearings and while under questioning from Maine Sen. Angus King (I), Comey directly disputed three more claims by Trump:
That Comey had sought the Feb. 14 meeting with Trump to ask to stay on as FBI director
That Comey ever reached out to Trump via phone
That Trump's "No, no. Next question" assertion about whether he asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation was true Характерно, что Трамп настолько привычен к вранью, что часто врет без особого смысла о несущественных, легко проверяемых деталях (вроде того, кто из них из Коми кому позвонил).
Trump’s falsehoods were unstrategic - needless, highly specific, easy to disprove. When caught, Trump sometimes blamed others for the error or explained that the untrue thing really was true, in his mind, because he saw the situation more positively than others did. Что касается трудно проверяемых деталей: в споре о содержании конфиденциального разговора между сотрудником ФБР и его гражданским собеседником закон стоит на стороне ФБР. Официальные записи разговора по свежим следам (подобно тем, что сделал Коми) от сотрудника ФБР принимаются в суде в качестве доказательства.
Вспомним также, что причиной импичмента Билла Клинтона стали его слова: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Трамп уже официально пойман на гораздо более серьезном вранье. Это вранье моментально станет преступным, если он вздумает повторить его на показаниях под присягой.
3. Загадочный намек про Джефа Сешнса и
его российские связи.
WYDEN: Let me turn to the attorney general. In your statement, you said that you and the FBI leadership team decided not to discuss the president's actions with attorney general sessions, even though he had not recused himself. What was it about the attorney general's interactions with the Russians or his behavior with regard to the investigation that would have led the entire leadership of the FBI to make this decision?
COMEY: Our judgment, as I recall, is that he was very close to and inevitably going to recuse himself for a variety of reasons. We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an opening setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia-related investigation problematic. So we were convinced -- in fact, I think we'd already heard the career people were recommending that he recuse himself, that he was not going to be in contact with Russia-related matters much longer. That turned out to be the case.