Том Эллис, ближайший помощник Джесси Хелмса, стал президентом CNP после Тима Лахайя.
Он был также директором Pioneer fund - расистского фонда, который спонсировал исследования в области евгеники. Когда эти связи всплыли, это помешало Эллису занять пост в администрации Рейгана.
The Congressional Club became a training ground for a generation of conservatives including Carter Wrenn, Charles Black, Alex Castellanos, Mark Stevens, Tom Fetzer, Arthur Finkelstein, Richard Viguerie and Ralph Reed
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Роль Болтона заключалась в помощи с отмыванием тёмных пожертвований на избирательные кампании.
As an associate at the high-powered Covington law firm, Bolton in 1978 worked with Sen. Jesse Helms and the National Congressional Club, the senator’s campaign-financing organization, to help form a new campaign finance organization called Jefferson Marketing. According to the Legal Times, Jefferson Marketing was established “as a vehicle to supply candidates with such services as advertising and direct mail without having to worry about the federal laws preventing PACs, like the Congressional Club, from contributing more than $5,000 per election to any one candidate’s campaign committee.” After its formation, Jefferson Marketing became a holding company for three firms-Campaign Management Inc., Computer Operations & Mailing Professionals, and Discount Paper Brokers
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Интервью с Эллисом в 2001 году (ему было тогда 81 год, он доживет до 2018).
Mr. Ellis acknowledged that he once held segregationist views, that he opposed affirmative action as ''unconstitutional and counterproductive'' and that race and media-bashing played a role in winning votes for Mr. Helms, particularly in eastern North Carolina
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Он был также директором Pioneer fund - расистского фонда, который спонсировал исследования в области евгеники. Когда эти связи всплыли, это помешало Эллису занять пост в администрации Рейгана.
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The Congressional Club became a training ground for a generation of conservatives including Carter Wrenn, Charles Black, Alex Castellanos, Mark Stevens, Tom Fetzer, Arthur Finkelstein, Richard Viguerie and Ralph Reed ( ... )
As an associate at the high-powered Covington law firm, Bolton in 1978 worked with Sen. Jesse Helms and the National Congressional Club, the senator’s campaign-financing organization, to help form a new campaign finance organization called Jefferson Marketing. According to the Legal Times, Jefferson Marketing was established “as a vehicle to supply candidates with such services as advertising and direct mail without having to worry about the federal laws preventing PACs, like the Congressional Club, from contributing more than $5,000 per election to any one candidate’s campaign committee.” After its formation, Jefferson Marketing became a holding company for three firms-Campaign Management Inc., Computer Operations & Mailing Professionals, and Discount Paper Brokers ( ... )
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Mr. Ellis acknowledged that he once held segregationist views, that he opposed affirmative action as ''unconstitutional and counterproductive'' and that race and media-bashing played a role in winning votes for Mr. Helms, particularly in eastern North Carolina ( ... )
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