
Mar 22, 2020 21:08

И культ "голого короля" Трампа, и проникновение множества токсичных людей в американское правительство становится легче понять, если обратить внимание на религиозную составляющую современного правого движения, а именно на течение доминианизма в христианстве.

Суть идеологии доминианизма неплохо объясняется в серии постов 2011 года:

Dominion Theology is the belief that Christians are mandated by God to reclaim dominion from Satan’s control, in order to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth for the eventual return of Jesus Christ.

The three core beliefs are:
1. Satan gained control of the Earth from God after the Fall of Adam and Eve.
2. Jesus did not fully defeat Satan on the cross. It is up to “The Church” to rise up as an instrument of God and finish the job by defeating Satan here on Earth.
3. Only when Heaven has been established on Earth via the Church’s control of government and secular institutions will Jesus return.

Жизнь на Земле испорчена влиянием темных сатанинских сил, и христианский долг заключается в том, чтобы установить над обществом тотальный христианский контроль (dominion) и тем самым приблизить Второе Пришествие. Чем призму доминианизма легче объяснить действия различных персонажей в орбите Трампа и их мотивацию.

Корни идеологии доминионизма уходят в 1970ые, их можно найти в частности в деятельности Пола Вайриха и его питомцев, а также в организации Семьи.

Через движение борьбы с абортами в 1970ых и успех Рейгана на выборах церковь вошла в политику, а часть церковников впоследствии изменила идеологию с "premillennial" до "postmillennial". Теперь нужно было не просто ждать Второго Пришествия, а активно работать над его приближением.

Traditionally, groups like Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority were “premillennial”: They believed that humanity was inevitably headed for Armageddon, which would most likely arrive with a nuclear blast, whereupon Christ would appear in the Second Coming and set things right. “The debate was over whether Brezhnev was the Antichrist,” says the University of Georgia’s Larson.
Reconstruction’s alternative was “postmillennialism”: Christ would not return until the church had claimed dominion over government, and most of the world’s population had accepted the Reconstruction brand of Christianity. The postmillennial twist offered hope to the pious that they could change things-as long as they got organized.

В наиболее рафинированной форме доминионизм оформился в последние 20 лет. Явным образом он присутствует в движении Ново-Апостольской Реформации (NAR), лидером которого был C. Peter Wagner.

Вот как он объясняет доминионизм своими словами:

But where does dominion come in? On the first page of the Bible, God told Adam and Eve to “fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, etc.” (Genesis 1:28). Adam, Eve, and the whole human race were to take dominion over the rest of creation, but Satan entered the picture, succeeded in usurping Adam’s dominion for himself and became what Jesus calls “the ruler of this world” (John 14:30). When Jesus came, He brought the kingdom of God and He expects His kingdom-minded people to take whatever action is needed to push back the long-standing kingdom of Satan and bring the peace and prosperity of His kingdom here on earth. This is what we mean by dominionism. <...>
The way to achieve dominion is not to become “America’s Taliban,” but rather to have kingdom-minded people in every one of the Seven Mountains: Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business so that they can use their influence to create an environment in which the blessings and prosperity of the Kingdom of God can permeate all areas of society.

NAR учит, что время апостолов не прошло. Лидеры движения провозглашают себя апостолами и борются с Сатаной на Земле и его демонами, которые мешают установлению христианского доминирования на Семи Холмах (Seven Mountains) общественной жизни.

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Интервью Питера Вагнера, взятое легендарной Терри Гросс на NPR в 2011 отличается похвальной откровенностью.

Among the topics discussed on Monday's show are: Wagner's explanation about a recent video that has been shown on television in which he claims the emperor of Japan had sex with the sun goddess, a power of darkness headed by the kingdom of Satan, and how that resulted in the decline of the Japanese stock market; how demons figure into the belief structure of NAR; the role of prophets and apostles within NAR; what Wagner means when he describes the NAR's mission as taking dominion over business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family and religion; how he felt when he found out that Ted Haggard, his World Prayer Center co-founder, had used drugs and had sex with men; spiritual mapping; and the role of Jews and Israel in preparing for the second coming.

Это интервью было спровоцировано другим интервью, в котором про NRA рассказывала исследователь право-религиозных течений Рэйчел Табачник.

Tabachnick says the movement currently works with a variety of politicians and has a presence in all 50 states. It also has very strong opinions about the direction it wants the country to take. For the past several years, she says, the NAR has run a campaign to reclaim what it calls the "seven mountains of culture" from demonic influence. The "mountains" are arts and entertainment; business; family; government; media; religion; and education.
"They teach quite literally that these 'mountains' have fallen under the control of demonic influences in society," says Tabachnick. "And therefore, they must reclaim them for God in order to bring about the kingdom of God on Earth. ... The apostles teach what's called 'strategic level spiritual warfare' [because they believe that the] reason why there is sin and corruption and poverty on the Earth is because the Earth is controlled by a hierarchy of demons under the authority of Satan. So they teach not just evangelizing souls one by one, as we're accustomed to hearing about. They teach that they will go into a geographic region or a people group and conduct spiritual-warfare activities in order to remove the demons from the entire population. This is what they're doing that's quite fundamentally different than other evangelical groups."

Доктрина "семи холмов" (seven mountains), которую в 2000 предложил проповедник Lance Wallnau, один из "апостолов" NAR, является центральной для доминионизма. По использованию подобной терминологии легко распознать адептов движения.

26-летний Чарли Керк возглавляет молодежную организацию TP USA, которая стилистически играет для трампизма не меньшую роль, чем организация "Наши" для путинизма. Из его выступления на конференции CPAC в этом году: "“Finally we have a president that understands the seven mountains of cultural influence.”

Popular religious and political proponents within the New Apostolic Reformation and the Seven Mountains Mandate include, but are not limited to C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs1, Lance Wallnau, Ed Silvoso, Lou Engle, James Dobson, Jack Hayford, Jim Garlow, Rick Joyner, David Barton1,2,3 (*shakes fist*), John Hagee, Newt Gingerich, Gov. Rick Perry, Gov. Sam Brownback, Sen. Jim DeMint, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Fmr. Half-Term Gov. Sarah Palin, Fmr. Gov. Mike Huckabee, Congressman Randy Forbes, Congressman Trent Franks, Congressman Louis Gohmert, Congressman Steve King, Congressman Cliff Stearns, and untold others. The infamous “C Street House” in Washington D.C. is owned by “Youth With a Mission of Washington D.C.” which is an organization run by one of the founders of the Seven Mountains Mandate, Loren Cunningham. Members of the C Street House include Fmr. Congressman Bart Stupak, Sen. John Thune, Sen. Chuck Grasserly, Sen. Mark Pryor, Fmr. Gov. Mark Sanford, Sen. Jim Inhofe and others.

Другой популярный термин - "spiritual warfare", который описывает борьбу с дьявольскими демонами (в невинной интерпретации - путем молитвы).

According to C. Peter Wagner, there are various levels of spiritual warfare. The most basic level is ground level spiritual warfare in which demons are cast out of individuals. The second level is described as occult level spiritual warfare in which there are confrontations with demons operating through witchcraft and esoteric philosophies (examples Free Masonry and Tibetan Buddhism). The highest level of Spiritual warfare is Strategic Level Warfare, which consist of confronting territorial principalities (high order demons) that control communities, ethnic groups, religions and nations.

В 2011 новоапостолы обратили на себя внимание организацией массовой молитвы на стадионе в Хьюстоне в поддержку Рика Перри, в то время - губернатора Техаса и кандидата в президенты. Среди них был пастор Джон Хаги из Сан Антонио, лидер "христианских сионистов". В 2008 Джон Маккейн был вынужден публично отказаться от поддержки Хаги из-за антисемитских высказываний последнего.

More than 30,000 people converged on Houston's Reliant Stadium today for Texas Gov. Rick Perry's seven-hour prayer rally to restore America.
Perry spoke briefly at The Response, giving a 13-minute address that called on God to guide political leaders and those "who cannot see the light in the midst of all the darkness." A simulcast of the event showed some attendees kneeling and weeping during the speech, which drew shouts of "Amen." <...>
Hagee, the firebrand pastor of Texas's Cornerstone Church, had high praise for Perry, comparing the Texas Governor to Abraham Lincoln:
"We pray for our governor Rick Perry who has had courage today to call this time of fasting and prayer, just as Abraham Lincoln did in the darkest days of the Civil Ware," Hagee said. "We thank you for his leadership, his integrity, and his loyalty to God and country."
Hagee avoided the themes that have gotten him in hot water in the past. In 2008, John McCain rejected Hagee's endorsement because of his anti-Catholic and "Christian Zionist" views. Hagee has said that Adolf Hitler was carrying out a divine plan that lead to the creation of the modern state of Israel.

Израиль занимает важное место в идеологии доминионизма. Они поддерживают Израиль, потому что верят, что сбудется евангелическое пророчество, и перед ожидаемым Вторым Пришествием переселившиеся в Израиль евреи массово перейдут в христианство. А кто не перейдет, будет естественно гореть в аду.

Из интервью Вагнера:

"We believe that Israel composes the people of God and that they have fallen away at the moment, but that God has grafted the gentiles into the same roots. So that's why we're very strong support of Israel, because we feel that Israel is the root of our faith. And so we support Israel strongly. We know that there is a - there's not really good religious freedom in Israel. We're very sorry about that. But the Bible says that someday, and don't ask me how this is going to happen because it seems impossible, that all of Israel will be saved. That they'll all believe in Jesus. And so we just take that by faith, and none of our activities are geared toward that or anything else, but we just believe that that's going to happen. So before Jesus returns, Israel, as a social group, will acknowledge Jesus Christ as their messiah."

You're invited to CUFI’s 2019 Washington Summit. Speakers include, @VP, Mike Pence, @SECPompeo, Mike Pompeo, US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and @PastorJohnHagee.
Register using TWITTER19 promo code for a discounted $75 rate at https://t.co/YVWUb7m0WJ.
. @usembassyjlm pic.twitter.com/XptxaPYtDi
- CUFI (@CUFI) June 25, 2019

Джон Хаги ездил с Трампом в Израиль открывать посольство в Иерусалиме и, вместе со своей организацией "Christians United for Israel", приобрел большой вес в орбите Трампа. В той же компании в Иерусалиме был другой крупный проповедник, Роберт Джеффресс из Далласа. Проповеди Джеффресса упирают на радостное приближение конца света, которому перенос посольства в Иерусалим должен был способствовать.

A Dallas evangelical pastor who once said that Jewish people are going to hell and a megachurch televangelist who claimed that Hitler was part of God’s plan to return Jews to Israel both played prominent roles on Monday in the opening ceremony of the new American Embassy in Jerusalem.
Robert Jeffress, who spoke at President Trump’s private inaugural prayer service and is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, delivered a prayer at the opening ceremony on Monday, while the Rev. John C. Hagee, a televangelist who founded Christians United for Israel and leads a San Antonio megachurch, gave the closing benediction.
Despite their comments about Jewish people, the two pastors are among the leading pro-Israel voices in the evangelical Christian world. Some evangelicals believe that American foreign policy should support Israel to help fulfill biblical prophecies about the second coming of Christ.

В январе 2017, готовясь к инаугурации Трампа, группа новоапостолов сплотилась в организацию "POTUS Shield" с прозрачной целью поддержки Трампа: "To assemble, structure and activate The POTUS Shield as a powerfully interactive spiritual, apostolic, prophetic force that acts and reacts in unity, with efficiency and expedience" https://www.potusshield.com/mission

POTUS Shield’s leaders view politics as spiritual warfare, part of a great struggle between good and evil that is taking place continuously in “the heavenlies” and here on earth, where the righteous contend with demonic spirits that control people, institutions and geographic regions. They believe that Trump’s election has given the church in America an opportunity to spark a spiritual Great Awakening that will engulf the nation and world. And they believe that a triumphant church establishing the kingdom of God on earth will set the stage for Christ’s return. Amedia says that the “POTUS” in the group’s name does not refer only to the president of the United States, but also to a new “prophetic order of the United States” that God is establishing.
Conservative Christian leaders are nursing a more-than-half-century grudge against the federal courts for rulings on school desegregation, separation of church and state, abortion, equality for LGBT people and more. Amedia has spoken repeatedly about a vision God gave him of a giant broom sweeping up and down the Supreme Court building. God, he said, is going to sweep the entire federal court system of unrighteous judges and “change the laws of the land.”

Их следующее мероприятие (конференция "CALL TO ARMS") намечено на май 2020.

Патриарх движения C. Peter Wagner умер в 86 лет в октябре 2016. Но он успел выразить поддержку Трампу, написав в июне 2016 статью "I Like Donald Trump". Ему импонировало то, что хотя Трамп и не замечен в религиозности, он оседлал два других холма из семи: холм бизнеса и холм СМИ. Вагнер также предложил относится к Трампу, как к царю Киру из Библии - простому орудию в руках всевышнего. Похожая интерпретация затем была многими подхвачена.

"Some say that Trump is not an evangelical Christian, so how could an evangelical like me vote for him? I wish he didn't have a history of multiple marriages. I wish he knew the Bible better. I wish he would go to church more regularly. I wish he would tone down his profanity. But none of those qualities would make or break a president who could make or break our country. Many evangelicals voted for Sunday school teacher Jimmy Carter because of his spirituality only to end up with a disaster. God is not limited to using Christians to accomplish His purposes. We need only to recall Cyrus, the idolatrous king of Persia, whom God used to help get His people back to Jerusalem.
Let me point out that influence is related to spirituality in the Religion Mountain, but this is not true in any of the other six mountains that are the molders of culture. The chief producer of influence in the six non-Religion mountains is not spirituality but success. The most successful people are the most influential. Success? In the Business Mountain and the Media Mountain Trump has accumulated $8-10 billion. He knows how to influence. I want to vote for a commander-in-chief, not a bishop-in-chief.”

Движение NAR захватывает паству в миллионы человек и существует в виде сетевой системы без единого центра, которую иногда называют INC (Independent Network Charismatic), с ячейками и "апостолами" в каждом из 50 штатов. Доминионисты не озабочены сектантством, потому что предвкушают, что все христианские деноминации неизбежно сольются в одну при приближении Второго Пришествия.

INC Christianity is led by a network of popular independent religious entrepreneurs, often referred to by their followers as “apostles.” They have close ties, we found, to some conservative politicians, including Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and more recently President Donald Trump.
Charismatic Christians emphasize supernatural miracles and divine interventions, but INC Christianity is different from other charismatics - and other Christian denominations in general - in the following ways:
- It is not focused primarily on building congregations but rather on spreading beliefs and practices through media, conferences and ministry schools.
- It is not so much about proselytizing to unbelievers as it is about transforming society through placing Christian believers in powerful positions in all sectors of society.
- It is organized as a network of independent leaders rather than as formally organized denominations.

Inconvenient reminder: The radical brand of crazy Christianity is a bigger threat to constitutional, secular America than the radical brand of crazy Islam. Because it's already here. pic.twitter.com/9naBxUmJK7
- Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) November 5, 2019

В апостолы NAR себя определила и Пола Уайт, духовник Трампа, которая ныне числится на ставке в Белом доме.

Paula White Cain, the thrice-married minister and former mistress of Benny Hinn, has pronounced herself to be an Apostle of Christ and installed her son as the new pastor of her church. While her son is the new lead pastor, White will serve as an “oversight pastor.”
Women, according to the Bible, shouldn’t be pastors at all. But while female pastors are not altogether rare in Pentecostal churches, having “Apostles” is a rather new phenomenon, associated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Some charismatic apologists, like Michael Brown, deny that NAR exists, in spite of high-profile figures like White declaring themselves Apostles.
NAR, although it also goes by other names, is a recent teaching in charismatic circles that the office of the Apostolate has been revived in latter times and Apostles walk the earth now just like in the days of the 1st Century church. It is closely associated with the prosperity gospel and Dominionism, the belief that God requires Christians to take over the “seven mountains of culture” to hasten Jesus’ return to Earth.

Если распознать доминионизм Уайт, то легче понять смысл ее молитв о защите Трампа и изгнании страшных демонов.

"We cancel every surprise from the witchcraft and the marine kingdom. Any hex, any spell, any witchcraft, any spirit of control, any Jezebel. Anything the enemy desires through spells, through witchcraft, through any way that is manipulation, demonic manipulation, we curse that. We break it according to the word of God, in the name of Jesus. We come against the marine kingdom. We come against the animal kingdom. The woman that rides upon the waters. We break the power in the name of Jesus, and we declare that any strange winds, any strange winds that have been sent to hurt the church, sent to against this nation, sent against our president, sent against myself, sent against others, we break it by the superior blood of Jesus right now, in the name of Jesus. We arrest every infirmity, affliction, fatigue, weariness, weakness, fear, sickness, any self-righteousness, any self-serving action, God. Let pride fall! Let pride fall! Let pride fall! Let pride fall, in the name of Jesus. We command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now. We declare that anything that has been conceived in satanic wombs, that it will miscarry. It will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm."

1/ People are wondering what Paula White-Cain means when she's taking authority over the "marine kingdom," the "animal kingdom," and commands that "all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now." These are all "Spiritual Warfare" tropes.

Here is what all of this means... https://t.co/fo3UKaYZWW
- André Gagné, PhD (@profagagne) January 25, 2020

Что не отменяет того, что Уайт, как и некоторые другие новоапостолы, промышляет обычным шарлатанством.

The melding of White’s public and private jobs is nearly seamless, as she invokes her relationship with Trump in her sermons and fundraising pitches, even as she wields her spiritual authority to defend the president. But experts say the arrangement raises significant conflict of interest questions, concerns about her compliance with tax laws banning nonprofit churches from endorsing candidates. And there’s the more fundamental question as to whether by installing her in a White House job, Trump has put the government’s stamp of approval on a religious ministry that includes faith healing and preying on vulnerable people for money.

Trump's "spiritual adviser" (and head of the White House's "Faith and Opportunity Initiative" program) Paula White asked for cash during a coronavirus-related prayer session this afternoon.

"Maybe you’d like to sow a $91 seed... Or maybe $9. Or whatever God tells you to do." pic.twitter.com/zUoeufRhda
- Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) March 17, 2020

So far we have, Bethel’s affiliated pastor, Shawn Bolz, declared a prophecy that God had ended the virus. Perhaps Bethel didn’t get the memo. Rodney Howard Browne promised to bind coronavirus from the United States (again, it’s growing), Jim Bakker claimed his venereal disease ointment also heals coronavirus, and Rick Wiles claimed Christians are immune altogether. Pat Robertson claimed his gut-health booklet will make you immune. A charismatic prophet from New Zealand claimed that all Christians were immune. Another prophet declared that Republican states were immune. Perry Stone says coronavirus is a Satanic scheme to help socialism. Kenneth Copeland said that touching his oily hand through the television would heal coronavirus. Lou Engle has told his followers that a three-day fast can cure coronavirus (health experts say that lowers the immune system). And one charismatic prophet claimed that a potential vaccine would be the Mark of the Beast. And a charismatic prophet interprets his dream to mean that coronavirus is trying to sabotage President Trump. And this Bethel prophetess claims that she decreed and declared coronavirus away from the world for good. Also, this charismatic prophet says coronavirus would disappear if China would grant religious freedom to Christians (why America is getting now is anybody’s guess). Rodney Howard Browne then discouraged people from taking any forthcoming vaccines because he said it’s a globalist plot to kill people. Cindy Jacobs ‘decreed and declared’ coronavirus to be “illegal” and said she put a stop to it. Chuck Pierce claims to have prophesied coronavirus last year, but apparently didn’t bother to tell anyone (but it totes happened, you guys).
None of these things are true. May the Lord rebuke them.

For $45, Lance Wallnau and Jim Bakker will sell you a Trump/Cyrus coin that you can use as a "point of contact" between you and God as you pray for Trump's re-election in 2020. pic.twitter.com/EwKgGL7sNp
- Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) May 14, 2019

Важно то, что чернобелое представление о мире (не столько христианское, сколько манихейское), в котором силы добра борются с Сатаной и проклятыми демонами, используя богопомазанного Трампа в качестве орудия, накладывается на вторую этическую систему и делает индоктринированных адептов несгибаемыми членами культа, которые оказываются невосприимчивы к рациональным аргументам.

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