Экспорт ненависти

Mar 19, 2020 09:54

Джо Байден начал свою избирательную кампанию в президенты в апреле 2019 с видео из Шарлотсвилля. Он сказал, что борьба идет за "душу страны": "We are in the battle for the soul of this nation".

"Charlottesville Virginia is home to the author of one of the greatest documents in human history. We know it by heart. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. We’ve heard it so often it almost a cliché but it’s who we are. We haven’t always lived up to these ideals, Jefferson himself didn’t. But we’ve never before walked away from them. Charlottesville is also home to a defining moment for this nation in the last few years. It was there, on August of 2017, we saw clansman, and white supremacists and neo Nazis come out in the open. Their crazed faces, illuminated by torches, veins bulging and bearing the fangs of racism.
Chanting the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the 30s. They were met by a courageous group of Americans, and a violent clash ensued, and a brave young woman lost her life. And that’s when we heard the words of the President of the United States that stunned the world, and shocked the conscious of this nation. He said there were “very fine people on both sides.” Very fine people on both sides?
With those words, the President of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate, and those with the courage to stand against it. And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I had seen in my life time. I wrote at the time that we are in the battle for the soul of this nation. Well that’s even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation. I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald trump 8 years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. Who we are. And I cannot stand by and watch that happen."

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В ежегодном отчете SPLC говорится:

In 2019, the third year of the Trump presidency, data gathered by the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) documents a continued and rising threat to inclusive democracy: a surging white nationalist movement that has been linked to a series of racist and antisemitic terror attacks and has coincided with an increase in hate crime. The number of white nationalist groups rose for the second straight year, a 55 percent increase since 2017, when Trump’s campaign energized white nationalists who saw in him an avatar of their grievances and their anxiety over the country’s demographic changes. The numbers are a barometer, though an imperfect one, of the size and growth of the movement.
A series of terror attacks in the United States and abroad-including the mass killings in El Paso, Texas, and New Zealand-have led federal authorities to put more focus on combating terrorism that stems from the movement. FBI Director Christopher Wray told the House Judiciary Committee in early February that the agency had upgraded its assessment of the threat posed by racially motivated extremists to a “national threat priority.” His remarks amplified his message from November, when he told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that a majority of domestic terror attacks are “fueled by some type of white supremacy.”

Нацистский террорист из Шарлотсвилля был осужден на пожизненное заключение.

Fields previously espoused neo-Nazi and white supremacist beliefs. He was convicted in a state court of hit and run, the first-degree murder of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, and eight counts of malicious wounding, and sentenced to life in prison with an additional 419 years in July 2019. He also pled guilty to 29 of 30 federal hate crime charges to avoid the death penalty, which also resulted in another life sentence handed down in June 2019.

Во время роковых событий он был замечен в униформе нацисткой группировкой Vanguard America. Группировка отпочковалась от форума Iron March, кузнице американских нацистских кадров.

While AtomWaffen was explicit in its embrace of German-style Nazism, other fascists at IronMarch began discussing ways to broaden their reach in order to compete with alt-right and Identitarian groups such as Identity Evropa for young recruits. Out of these discussions they created a new group in 2015, first named Reaction America, then renamed in 2016 as American Vanguard. When one of that group’s leaders was exposed for offering up information to an antifascist group and IronMarch users and administrators began "doxxing" AV members, the group broke away from IronMarch. In early 2017, the organization once again rebranded as Vanguard America. After an AtomWaffen member in Florida shot and killed two other members in May 2017, telling authorities the group was planning to blow up a nuclear plant, a number of AtomWaffen participants joined ranks with Vanguard America.
The leader of Vanguard America, a Marine Corps veteran from New Mexico named Dillon Irizarry (but better known by his nom de plume Dillon Hopper), began organizing rallies at which members openly carried firearms. At its website, VA claimed that America was built on the foundation of White Europeans, and demanded the nation recapture the glory of the Aryan nation, free of the influence of the international Jews.
VA had a significant presence in Charlottesville for the “Unite the Right” rally in August, as several of its members joined in the August 11 torch-bearing march onto the University of Virginia campus. The next day, a phalanx of VA marchers chanting “Blood and Soil!” marched toward the protest at a city park, and then were recorded acting as a shield wall meant to protect the park.
Among those VA marchers was James Alex Fields, the 20-year-old Ohio man who, later that afternoon, allegedly drove his Dodge Challenger into a crowd of counterprotesters and maimed 20 people, killing one, 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

Созданная на форуме Iron March откровенно нацистская группировка Atomwaffen Division в последнее время попала под жернова правосудия, вместе с более молодой группировкой The Base.

Five senior members of Atomwaffen Division (AWD) have been charged with federal crimes in the past weeks, including former leaders and a man who was concurrently a member of the similar neo-Nazi terror group the Base. The recent charges involve members in four states in connection with two separate criminal cases.
In Virginia, a Texas man, John Denton, 26, was charged over an alleged “swatting” conspiracy - a practice involving making false reports about a targets address in the hope police will stage an armed raid on the address.
Denton - reported by ProPublica in 2018 as “involved in nearly every aspect of the organization” as its leader - is known inside Atomwaffen by the alias “Rape”. He allegedly coordinated swatting attacks in 2018 and 2019 on journalists, Old Dominion University, and a historically black church.
Four more members were charged with conspiracy to threaten journalists and people associated with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in Washington state.
One of those arrested, Taylor Parker-Dipeppe, 20, was a former Florida chapter co-leader under the alias “Azazel”. Recent social media materials given to the Guardian by Australian anti-fascist group the White Rose Society show a muscular, bearded young man with fresh neo-Nazi tattoos.
Two more of those charged lived in Washington. Kaleb Cole, 24, alias “Khimaere”, who was the Washington chapter leader, and Cameron Shea, 24, alias “Krokodil”,have long histories in the neo-Nazi movement.

В Госдепе рассматривают вопрос о включении подобных группировок в список международных террористических организаций.

The State Department is pushing to designate at least one violent white supremacist group as a foreign terrorist organization, an unprecedented move that national security experts say would be a big step toward fighting a growing threat on U.S. soil.
State Department officials want to have the designation finalized by next week, according to four people familiar with the effort. But the White House, where top officials have long preferred to focus on terrorism by Islamist extremists, has yet to give the green light.
Former U.S. officials and counterterrorism analysts say the top candidate for the designation is Atomwaffen, a neo-Nazi group that was founded in the United States but has expanded into the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Estonia.
Designating Atomwaffen or another neo-Nazi group like The Base as a terrorist outfit would send a major signal that the U.S. views far-right terrorism as a rising danger that increasingly ignores national boundaries, thanks in no small part to the internet.

Как выяснилось, модератором форума Iron March, из которого выросли Atomwaffen Division, American Vanguard и другие террористические группировки, был житель Москвы и бывший студент факультета психологии МГУ и факультета политологии МГИМО Алишер Мухитдинов, который скрывался под псевдонимом Alexander Slavros.

As well as Atomwaffen, Iron March became a hub for coordination between other organizations, such as American Vanguard and the Traditionalist Workers Party. Over Iron March, users across the U.S. communicated about starting a new group called “American Reaction,” soon renamed American Vanguard. As American Vanguard grew connections to the Alt Right podcast network, The Right Stuff, its members quickly fell out with Atomwaffen; however, American Vanguard disintegrated amid details of its leadership allegedly grooming young male recruits for sex.
“I wanted to believe it. I wanted to be part of the group and be greater and have a common purpose,” the former Atomwaffen member told us. “That was the appeal of fascism to me, it promoted national unity, right? It just made the people feel strong, but at the same time it promoted hate and violence and a lot of crazy shit that shouldn’t have been acceptable.”
Although the co-founders, Arthurs and Russell, lived in Florida, a number of Iron March messages from 2016 indicate that Slavros had become a decision maker in Atomwaffen, and another young recruit calling himself “The Yank” handled recruitment while their leader, Russell, enlisted in the National Guard. After a short amount of time, Atomwaffen had branched out to a loose assemblage of groups with membership ranging between 3 and as many as 20, depending on the place. These groups came to rely on a semi-centralized recruitment flow through the site overseen by a trusted authority who focused on drawing in young people with militant ambitions.

Алишер Мухитдинов происходит из влиятельной узбекской семьи: как убедились два источника Би-би-си с доступом к базам персональных данных, его близкий родственник по отцовской линии Нуритдин Мухитдинов участвовал в Сталинградской битве, возглавлял правительство Узбекской СССР при Хрущеве, а позже был членом президиума ЦК КПСС и послом СССР в Сирии.
Родители Алишера познакомились во время учебы в Московском государственном институте международных отношений (МГИМО) в 1980-е годы. Развелись в 1990-х. Мать работала спортивным журналистом, отец - бизнесмен, спонсор МГИМО и глава фонда помощи трудовым мигрантам. Связаться с ними Би-би-си не удалось.
"Я наполовину русский, даже по Нюрнбергским законам [нацистской Германии] я ок", - "оправдывался" Славрос на "Железном марше".

В ноябре 2017 Iron March прекратил существование, а Мухитдинов лег на дно. Но дело его живет. Из показаний представителя ADL на слушаниях в Конгрессе на тему "Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism" в апреле 2019 https://judiciary.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=1797

White supremacist online forum Fascist Forge advertises itself as a “Home for the 21st Century Fascist,” and attracts some of the movement’s most extreme adherents.
Launched in May 2018, the forum is modeled after (and serves as homage to) the defunct fascist social networking platform “Iron March,” founded by Russian nationalist Alisher Mukhitdinov, aka Alexander Slavros.
Fascist Forge’s founder and moderator goes by the name “Mathias,” and claims to be a 23-year-old from Los Angeles. He notes: “My only desire for this site is to remain faithful to the message and worldview laid out by Slavros/Ironmarch.” Fascist Forge prominently posts Slavros’s writing and his 10-part video series called “Fascism 101.”
Although Iron March disbanded in November 2017, it is considered to have been key to the formation of Atomwaffen, one of the most violent white supremacist groups in the United States today. Atomwaffen has been linked to as many as five murders in the U.S. Like Iron March, the Fascist Forge platform attracts disenfranchised, angry members of the white supremacist community. <...>
Тhe forum emphasizes violent tactics. Some users advocate the creation of small terrorist cells, while others share how-to guides on guerrilla warfare, including military field and operation manuals and instructions for building homemade bombs.
Others suggest targeting infrastructure or recommend attacking people they perceive to be enemies of the white race. One Seattle-based user, Krokodil, noted, “If we wanted to, hypothetically, every single one of us could go full McVeigh and start dispatching political and economic targets today, helping build the social tension that will accelerate the collapse of the System….” Another user, Reltih, or “Hitler” spelled backwards, suggests using “…partisan tactics from WW2, disrupt communication lines, the electricity grid, infrastructure is a big one seeing how shitty America’s infrastructure is as the moment, we should use disruption tactics and then jump off from there.” Forum moderator D. Aquillius writes: “I think disrupting the food supply would be a good bet.” His avatar includes a figure of a Nazi soldier with a cartooned Totenkopf face, shooting an anti-Semitic caricature of a Jew who is kneeling on the ground.

Мухитдинов сыграл ключевую роль в распространении доктрины "акселерационизма" - с помощью терактов подтолкнуть западную цивилизацию к коллапсу, чтобы ускорить ее падение, а на ее обломках построить правильное расово-чистое общество. Доктрина была взята на вооружение исполнителями самых кровавых терактов последнего времени.

White nationalist terrorists not only believe that a violent apocalypse is coming, but also that the best and fastest way to reach the phase of racial rebirth is to accelerate the path to the apocalypse and eventual new civilization by speeding up polarization and societal discord as a way of undermining social stability overall. Violence is foundational to this approach, because violent acts create immediate societal panic, inspire copycat actors, and encourage reciprocal or revenge terror attacks from affected groups. For this reason, each violent act of terror is viewed as heroic, celebrated in the name of the global cause, and is understood to bring white supremacists one step further toward the end-times collapse and subsequent restoration of a new white civilization. This principle-acceleration-is a key aspect motivating terrorist violence from white supremacist extremists and white nationalist terrorists globally.

Accelerationism is a popular topic in private chat rooms frequented by white supremacist groups like Atomwaffen and The Base. These virtual spaces are full of discussions about steps to take to hasten the ultimate collapse.
Atomwaffen articulates a white supremacist ideology rooted in nihilism and accelerationist beliefs. Violence, chaos and destruction are themes echoed throughout their posts, propaganda and messaging.

Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me! https://t.co/rQVA4ER0PV
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 8, 2020

Accelerationism is pushed heavily by admirers of the book Siege, a racist and pro-terrorism manifesto published over multiple years as a newsletter by neo-Nazi James Mason. It’s also a belief system that was promoted heavily on the neo-Nazi forum Iron March, users of which are linked to murders and terrorism in multiple Western countries.
“Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change,” the New Zealand manifesto claims. “Therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever [sic] possible.”

Australia-born terrorist Brenton Harrison Tarrant, the perpetrator of the Christchurch mosque shootings at Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand, which killed 51 people and injured 50 others, had embraced accelerationism in his manifesto The Great Replacement in a section titled "Destabilization and Accelerationism: tactics". It also influenced John Timothy Earnest, the man behind the Escondido mosque fire at Dar-ul-Arqam Mosque in Escondido, California, and the Poway synagogue shooting at Chabad of Poway in Poway, California, resulting in 1 dead and 3 injured and Patrick Crusius, the Allen-born man responsible for the El Paso Walmart shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, that killed 22 people and injured 24 others.

Joe Biden begins his campaign kickoff in Pittsburgh, PA by reflecting on Poway synagogue shooting, Tree of Life synagogue shooting, and Charlottesville rally.

"We are in a battle for America's soul. I really believe that. And we have to restore it." https://t.co/Yx2Ffz2zvC pic.twitter.com/IVQm0fQUvr
- ABC News (@ABC) April 29, 2019

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