
Sep 11, 2007 16:47

It can be funny when you notice your own habits. I realized last night that I rearrange rooms when I am discontent. There's a giant gaping space in my living room which will be filled with something exciting in the coming days.

Maggie came up on Sunday, which I found out on Friday, to look at hotels for her friend's pre-wedding outing. I've never ( Read more... )

headaches, art, fun, apartment, friends, weekend

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Comments 2

thegetupkid69 September 12 2007, 16:27:56 UTC
"There's a giant gaping space in my living room which will be filled with something exciting in the coming days."

What is it? What is it?????

And you are going to look amazing without the extensions. Do you think your hair just doesn't grow very fast? Maybe you should take a multi-vitamin, I think its made my hair and nails grow faster.

I'm glad you loved Vancouver, I haven't been up there in way too long. We should go when I get some extra $$$.


punkrocksenshi September 13 2007, 22:58:07 UTC
I've never had a serious hair cut my entire life, except in college, and it never went pass my collar bone, yeah I'd say it grows slow. As long as the multi-vitamins I have haven't expired I'll go back to them.

We'll find out how I look when it's done. I hope we can go to Vancouver, you said we would months ago.

I'm not telling you about my walls, you can see them as they happen. Oh, there should be another package in my name at your house soon. Thanks in advance.


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