[yes, please]

Jul 14, 2006 00:16

As pure, literal "luck" would have it, the pug at the SPCA was not adopted, as I was told ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

michelle_renee July 14 2006, 12:16:22 UTC
We decided to take ALL of the wheat out of Petey and Lu Lu's diet. Im worried about allergies and all of that (pugs can have them) so I decided to try and prevent it.

We feed INNOVA -its kind of pricey but I can pronounce every ingredient in it and its all real food.


doomfordisco July 14 2006, 14:55:59 UTC
So far Innova seems to be the winning brand. I'm not worried about price, it's all worth it :]


puppy_ciao July 14 2006, 15:11:24 UTC
As well it should be- Innova is amazing, you can't really do any better than grain-free food.


onlyonechoice July 14 2006, 16:15:45 UTC
Innova Evo is a grain-free kibble. Keep an eye out, though. Some of these foods are perishable, so don't buy anything your dog won't eat in a month :)

My Pugster is on Royal Canin Hypoallergenic (diabetes and some kind of food allergy that wasn't properly diagnosed), and that only lasts a month. His improvement once we got him on the insulin and the right food have been nothing short of incredible. He doesn't even have that dog smell anymore, and his poops are nice and solid :)

Good luck with little Lord Viggo!


gracefulshrimp July 14 2006, 12:30:37 UTC
that is so awesome.

its only 104 dollars to adopt at your shelter?
that is insane. cats cost more than that here, and dogs are like over 300


doomfordisco July 14 2006, 14:57:43 UTC
If the dog is already altered, it's $55. If they're not altered, it's $90. Plus, I went ahead and paid eight more dollars more for his rabies vaccination.

$300? Jesus.


puppy_ciao July 14 2006, 13:10:18 UTC

Please please please do not feed your dog Purina, Iams, Eukanuba, or any other grocery store food :) They all have corn and by-products which is bad. A dog may do ok on low-grade food for a while and some people feed it with no problems, (the same way that sometimes you hear of someone who smokes andlives to be 100, but that doesn't mean smoking is healthy), but the difference when you feed holistic food is amazing. I recommend Innova EVO as well (it's grain free- dogs are carnivores!), or any other human grade food.


roamingtigress July 14 2006, 14:06:54 UTC
Best food:


No crap ingrediants, just quality dog food.


doomfordisco July 14 2006, 14:58:11 UTC
Thank you for the link!


elizabethxiii July 14 2006, 17:34:55 UTC
OOOOH, congrats! i keep hoping that someday, when nina girl isn't with us again, we can adopt a rescued pug! i've even convinced my husband to maybe foster rescued pugs, someday when we have a bigger house and yard.



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