September 3rd, 2012: Author, artist, and beta sign-ups open.
October 3th, 2012: Author sign-ups close.
October 26th, 2012: Checkpoint #1
November 3rd, 2012: Artist sign-ups close.
November 24th, 2012: Checkpoint #2 -Downgrade your story if needed.
December 7th, 2012: Beta sign-ups close.
December 12th, 2012: Rough drafts are due. *This should be about 1/2 of your story- Minibangs: At least 2,500 words. Big Bangs: At least 7,500 words. Big Big Bangs: At least 12,500 words.
December 14th, 2012: Claims post goes up for viewing.
December 16th, 2012: Claims post is open for claiming.
December 28th, 2012: Checkpoint #3
January 12th, 2013: Artist Checkpoint.
February 12th, 2013: Final fic/art due.
February 14th, 2013: Posting schedule is available.
February 16th, 2013: Posting begins!
Checkpoints are the mods way of making sure that you are on track and will be able to finish by the due date. You can let them know here if you are going to have trouble meeting the word count and you may downgrade here.
We encourage you to have your fic read by at least two betas - this way it's absolutely perfect by the due date!
Extensions are only granted in certain circumstances; please contact a mod if you would like to request one.
Emails will be sent out when dates from the timeline approach.