
Oct 12, 2004 17:31

Out of curiosity I went to NME.com and checked the classifieds section to see if any signed bands need a bassist. Found an add asking for bassist and drummer. Followed by my singers phone number. Supposed to be playing a gig with him on sunday. I dont think I'll bother. I think he's a cunt. I'm kinda depressed now. Why am I even bothering?... why ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

randy_angel October 12 2004, 16:40:20 UTC
U want me to hit him with a cricket bat for you? I'm in the mood for attacking people...

Never forget your dreams. Setbacks path the way for comebacks. That's really cliched, but hey. Is usually true. Dxx


princeofpuursia October 12 2004, 18:33:36 UTC
Could you wrap some razor wire round it first? and insult his man hood? I'm considering posting his phone number up here so you can send him random abusive texts!


randy_angel October 15 2004, 14:15:53 UTC
I'm always willing to insult people's manhood and would be only too happy to do the whole abusive txt thing if you so wish.


parssta October 12 2004, 17:21:52 UTC
Other people are fuckers...but don't give up, because you need to show them that your capable of achieving more than that. Things are tough but stick iot out hon...you can do it and you know you can :)


face9 October 13 2004, 08:32:08 UTC
That's a real shit dude, though it sounds like you wanted to get out anyway?


princeofpuursia October 14 2004, 14:33:36 UTC
There is some truth in that, but I would have prefered to have done it slightly more on my terms.


the_fee_fairy October 15 2004, 14:29:00 UTC
hey baby, you're better than him anyway. Does Aden know? Sounds like a big Londond piss up is needed at some point...when i'm rich again that is...


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