[personal] Found the Camera

Mar 02, 2014 20:17

Well, I found the digital camera.  Let me clean up my mess while the last batch of macarons chill so the frosting will firm back up.  In any event, I have some pink ones with raspberry frosting, some pink ones with chocolate orange frosting, some blue ones with chocolate orange frosting, some plain ones with chocolate orange frosting, and some ( Read more... )

food, photos, personal

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Comments 5

akame_koi13 March 3 2014, 17:41:20 UTC
You have me pictures! They're so colourful!

I want some now…


prettyorianna March 3 2014, 19:53:07 UTC
Well, I think you can freeze them but I don't know how to ship frozen goods so I think I won't be able to send you some. Otherwise I totally would. The ones with the chocolate orange filling are the best. The raspberry frosting is a lot sweeter which was unexpected and I haven't eaten one of the green-and-white vanilla filling yet because they're still maturing but the raspberry filling is the same stuff only with imitation raspberry flavoring and pink food coloring so it'll probably be really sweet too.

I think something's wrong with my camera though because when I was looking in the box this morning to pack some up for snacking today, I saw they were blue like I thought but in that photo above they really do look green instead.


phedeo121 March 3 2014, 21:40:38 UTC
mmm, mind sending some of those my way? I have a craving for some ;)


prettyorianna March 3 2014, 23:57:57 UTC
If I knew how to get them to you without them spoiling, I totally would.


phedeo121 March 5 2014, 17:38:09 UTC
awww ^^ that is genuinely the sweetest thing i've ever heard(read?) bless you x


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