1. My doctor wants me to test for GD in a couple of weeks. At the same time I'll be getting the full bloodwork done again (minus the thyroid since it's already being monitored). I will be 26-27w. However, I've been utterly exhausted the last, oh, month, and I really feel like something is wrong. Should it not be physically-caused I think I need to
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Comments 10
#3. Well, everything down there tends to be more sensitive, and can swell up/be sore afterward. And that's normal. Also, your joints are loosening up, so those can be sore afterwards too.
I don't know that GD would necessarily cause tiredness, but it's possible. Hopefully they'll also give you an iron test. Are you drinking lots of water?
And yes, I'm drinking tons of water :) TMI: I have Diabetes Insipidus ("water" diabetes... I hate the name though, since it has nothing to do with "sugar"/mellitus diabetes) and my thirst mechanism never, ever turns off... so I'm constantly sipping water. lol
As for #2, I would definitely ask (especially since you aren't on pelvic rest until you find out if you still have previa) because worst case scenario is your doctor says she'd really rather you have the ultrasound at 28weeks and then you are in the same position you started in.
It doesn't feel like cervixy owies. It feels more like vaginal wall owies... lol
#2 - sure you can delay the u/s waiting until later gives everyone a better of idea where it is later on which is when we NEED to know. did they say how far over it was on the cervix?
3. congrats! there is much more blood flow to the area in pregnancy which can mean increased soreness afterwards
As for vitamins, I'm just taking a B6, B12, folic acid supplement. I think I'll stop being lazy and get an actual prenatal on Monday or Tuesday (nothing's open the weekends here).
They didn't say exactly where my placenta was. For all I know it might have been just "low lying." My doctor was running super behind and we kinda rushed through everything (in her defense, this is the first appointment I've felt rushed).
some iron in your diet may help - i personally like liquid iron - i would start by taking 1/4 the rec'ed dose for a few days, and then increase it by 1/4 every few days unless you experience GI backup, if you do then back it down to the lower dose wait a few days and try to up it again. Taking vit C with your iron will help boost your absorption.
e.g. rec'ed 2 tablespoons daily - start with 1/2 tablespoon for a few days, all okay move on to 1 tablespoon etc.
FYI 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons.
i understand the rushed factor - even the best medics have days where the rush is on even tho it should not be. :(
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