Pottersues Prompts

Apr 12, 2014 14:30

Here is another item for Pottersues eleventh anniversary. One of the minions suggested making a prompt list based off earlier entries.( :So )

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Comments 7

yemi_hikari April 13 2014, 02:21:42 UTC
Question... when you mean that if an OC or canon character from another canon fits the [blank] for the prompt do you mean that if a canon character is called Harry in another canon the character that fills the [blank] can be the neighbor of that Harry instead? Do you also mean that Harry can be an OC as well?

Will these work as prompts?

26. [blank] is from Bulgaria.
27. [blank] is from Hawaii.
28. [blank] has abusive characters.
29. [blank] is from Virgina.
30. [blank] is Dumbledore's niece.
31. [blank] is the child of Severus.
32. The pairing is Draco/[blank].
33. [blank] are twins.
34. The theme is “shadows”.
35. [blank] is a transfer student from America.
36. The story takes place during Marauder Era.
37. [blank] is a transfer student from Durmstrang.
38. [blank's] Godfather is Severus.
39. [blank] is from Washington D.C.
40. [blank] is adopted.
41. [blank's] parents are divorced.
42. [blank] is from California.

I'm stumped on number 43...


fonset April 13 2014, 13:02:43 UTC
To follow up your prompts, I'll attempt a few of my own. (Hope I understood the stuff.)

43. [blank] has a mythological pet.
44. [blank] was sucked into the world of the fandom.
45. [blank] is a bully.
46. Harry Potter meets Twilight.
47. [blank] has an accent.
48. [blank] has an addiction.
49. Alternate Universe (the misunderstood sense).
50. Involves Voldemort and the Death Eaters as being 'misunderstood'.


pottersues April 13 2014, 16:26:44 UTC
While most of these are good prompts, they don't have anything to do with the corresponding entries on Pottersues. For example...

1. This Sue is the neighbor of Harry.
2. This Sue is the daughter of Lily and Lucius.

I was kind of wondering how you came up with Harry Potter meets Twilight when Twilight wasn't yet out at the time of that entry, so there couldn't have been crossovers.

Another thing to keep in mind is that these are prompts that people can use whether they are using it for badfic or not. Number 49 implies badfic and only badfic.

Hope this helps.


pottersues April 13 2014, 16:22:58 UTC
Yes. They'll be hopefully added by the end of the day.


queensnowball April 14 2014, 04:17:22 UTC
i'll take a crack at 43 through 50
43. [blank] is an orphan
44.The pairing is Lupin/ [Blank]
45. [Blank] is Ron's cousin
46. This story features a love triangle involving Draco.
47.[Blank] is Severus's niece
48.[Blank] is a transfer student from Australia.
49.[Blank] is the daughter of Voldemort.
50.[Blank] is a death eater.


pottersues April 14 2014, 04:58:55 UTC


yemi_hikari April 14 2014, 20:03:32 UTC
Here are some more...

51. [blank] speaks fangirl Japanese.
52. [blank] is the sibling of Hermione
53. The theme is “sweet sixteen”.
54: The pairing is Sirius/[blank].
55. [blank] is Harry's twin.
56. [blank] is from Egypt.
57. [blank] moves in with the Dursley's.
58. [blank] is Hermione's neighbor.
59. Story is a crossover with Lord of the Rings.
60. [blank] lives with James Potter.
61. [blank] is Harry's twin sister.
62. The story involves the night the Potter's died.
63. [blank] is a Pure Blood.
64. [blank] is The Girl Who Lived.
65. [blank] falls into the fandom.
66. The theme is “secrets”.
67. [blank] is Draco's sibling.
68. [blank] is a parselmouth.
69. [blank] is Lily's friend.
70. The story involves genderbending a male character.


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