1593: See Entry - Ashley Roxanne Riddle/Charlotte (You-Sue)

Sep 11, 2007 18:59

No words, none.

TITLE: **~Its My Life~ And What A Complicated One It Is~ Draco Malfoy~**
PERPETRATOR: lushlotte

FULL NAME: Ashley Roxanne Riddle aka Charlotte aka You
HAIR: "Light Blonde. Naturally curly but is usually straightened, has extensions".
EYES: "Bright Blue"
MARKINGS: "Body Shape: Curvy but flat Piercings:Bellly button, Nose, Bottom ears and top ear." She is pretty and "hott". She is tanned from Barbados.
POSSESSIONS: Sue and Stu friends "Bethan, Autumn, Annie, Lousia, Tyler, Adam (they are bessies)". A stu-brother named Tyler Riddle. Has a cellphone and a laptop. A puppy "puppy called Snowflake and an Owl called Jewel". Can't you see Voldemort calling out for Snowflake to take the dog for a walk? A "denim mini skirt with silver studs on the back pockets and a white vest . It had a seperate pink vest underneath and the white vest had small pink and brown flowers on it...my pink sequins dolly shoes, my silver charm bracelet and my large Dior sunnies." A "light pink bikini with sequin hearts on the top and side of the bottoms", "a grey print smock top and white oversized button denim detailed shorts (both from next) with lovely silver heels", "a small white 'Playboy' bikini. It had a small dimante playboy head on the top and 'Playboy' written in dimante on the bottoms", "a tiny denim mini and a light pink tee with halter neck straps", pajamas: "bright pink hot pants and top", "a pair of white shorts and a pale yellow top".

ORIGIN: "Shes a top model in: Britain, America, Canada and Europe. Aswell as modelling, Charlotte has 5 number 1 albums, 3 perfumes and a clothes range out." "This story will take place in her 7th year in school. It starts when her and her family go on hols to Barbados."
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Her mom is Dumbledore's daughter, and her father is Lord Voldemort. He treats her like a princess. She is in Slytherin. She is friends with Blaise, Hermione and sometimes Draco. "Thinks Draco is hott but is such a playa". Her family is close to the Malfoys. "Charlote and Draco dated in 4th year but he cheated on her with a so called best friend. He secretly regrets it and wants you back for good." She is paired with Draco. They have a messy relationship, she ends up singing Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry" to him by the poolside. I stopped after that.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Friends with everyone. "Bitchy, Sarcastic, Mean, Sweet, Kind, Loyal, Friendly, Loving, Can be moody, Bubbly, Awsome, Treated like a princess, Gets her own way (all the time)". "Albus Dumbledore is her grandfather (mothers dad) So she is very powerful cos she has his n her father powers together. She is the key to win or loose the war." She loves "muggle cooking", meaning baking. She has two trains of thoughts, one that is sarcastic and one that is "normal".

NOTES: "Likes: Strawberries, Pink, Shopping, Singing, Dancing, Having fun with friends etc. Dislikes:Fake People, Girls who think they're lush (but r ugly lol), Boys who r playas, School, Death eaters". Death Eaters? Then you must hate your dad. She loves fruit smelling shampoo and body wash. I get it! You like strawberries!


"Ashley, you know we are leaving for barbados in 3 hours!"

I jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom. I heard my mum chuckle as she said, " Thought that would get her moving."

I turned on the shower and stepped in. I let the stunnning, warm water run over my body for 15 mintues before washing my hair in starwberries and cream shampoo and conditioner. I used my peaches and cream body wash and finally stepped out of the shower 15 minutes later.

When I walked back into my room, I saw the houselves rushing around packing my suitcase. They had laid out a denim mini skirt with silver studs on the back pockets and a white vest . It had a seperate pink vest underneath and the white vest had small pink and brown flowers on it. I got dressed, put on my pink sequins dolly shoes, my silver charm bracelet and my large Dior sunnies. I placed a ring on my finger and walked down stairs.

Mum and dad greeted me as I sat down inthe dining room. I told the houselves to bring me pankcakes with slices of strawberries and bananas. They were delish! When we had all finished breakfast, well more like brunch, we went into the living room, where I watched some random muggle programme on the flat screen that hung on the wall.

At half 1, the doorbell rang and mum went to open it. "Ashley, come here dear." I sighed, got up and walked, slowly, into the parlour. father and mum were already greeting the family that stood before them. Yep, you guessed it, it was the Malfoys. I twisted the ring on my finger and stood next to my parents. "Narcissa," I said, beaming at my 'second mother.' "Ashley, darling," she smiled back and beckoned me into a hug. Draco cleared this throat behind us and I glanced at him over Narcissa's shoulder. He smirked at me and as I pulled away from narcissa, stuck his hand out towards me. I accepted it and he kissed it. As he brought his head back up he smirked at me again. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Lucious. "Mr.Malfoy," I said my voice silky and perfect as always.

"How many times, dear its Lucious." He took my other hand and kissed it like Draco had done. I giggled and said," Okay then, Lucious." He smirked and dad, mum Narcissa and Lucious walked towards the lounge leaving Draco and I on our own. We were leaving in 15 minutes and of course, like always the Malfoys were coming with us. I waked into the kitchen and aske dthe houseleves to bring me a large bowl of sweet strawberries and a glass or juice. Draco sat on the bar stool next to me and helped himself to my strawberries. " Hey," I said softly pushing him slightly.

"Hey, yourself," he replied, giving me one of his rare smiles. We both still liked eachother but his ego was really big and he had become such a player. We argued like cat and dog but we could talk properly too. We were usually sarcastic and bitchy to each other though. He was too cocky and loved himself too much. he got jealous when I met or started seeing other guys and it's very cute :)

15 long minutes had passed and we were on our way (finally) to Gatwick airport to take our private jet to barbados. Sitting in the back of the limo, I started to get really excited. Draco started poking me so I began to ignore him. This pissed him off and he carried on, hurting me slightly now. "Draco!" I snapped at him.

"What?" He replied innocently. We were in the airport by now and I had to sit by him on the plane. As we walked to the check in desks, (we were in the magical side) I started to think. *This is going to be a long journey.*
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