So That's All Right Then

Oct 30, 2020 10:48

Jeremy Corbyn is a man of principle- and as near incorruptible as any politician ever is. Had he become prime minister he would have annoyed the people who really run the world- and so they instructed their media to tear him to bits. Making him out to be an antisemite was the most effective of their strategies. Of course there is antisemitism in ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

davesmusictank October 30 2020, 11:10:05 UTC
I totally agree. He was hounded by these nonelected elites.


poliphilo October 30 2020, 11:23:08 UTC
Under Corbyn Labour was in danger of becoming an effective force for change- and we really can't have that, can we?


davesmusictank October 30 2020, 11:30:43 UTC
So right there alas.


poliphilo October 30 2020, 14:15:38 UTC
I don't see the point of Labour anymore. If it tries to be true to it's origins- as with Corbyn- it gets squashed.


matrixmann October 30 2020, 11:27:45 UTC
I didn't catch it what they actually really hold as a reproach to him, but it's really obvious that they wanted to get rid of him. And antisemitism has become like a general knockout argument these days - regardless if it really is such or if it is just imagination or fact-oriented criticism on Israeli politics.


poliphilo October 30 2020, 14:26:46 UTC
If you support the Palestinians- as Corbyn does-you automatically draw accusations of anti-semitism.


mexpatriot October 30 2020, 14:27:14 UTC
This is the tactic. If one ever has to say, "I'm not a racist," or, "I'm not an anti-semite," etc., it's pretty much over. What a shame. It seems that people should begin to see the tactic for what it is.


poliphilo October 30 2020, 18:40:35 UTC
It saddens me how blind people are to the machinations of their political leaders.


thewayne October 30 2020, 14:55:51 UTC
The Golden Rule: them with the gold makes the rules. And they makes them so that they continue to makes them.


poliphilo October 30 2020, 18:37:25 UTC
That's pretty much how it goes.


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