I read the rules and tags, and there's a tag for tutorials, so I hope this is also the kind of post that's okay to make here? I'm actually wanting to post on
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I just got started on it and hoped that I might be able to garner some interest in cover art or at least get directed somewhere or to someone who would be interested in it.
Hi everyone! I'm trying to record my fisrt podfic (yay) (based on Sherlock bbc fic) - it's been my dream for literally several years. But the problem is, English is not my mother tongue, so I'm looking for a Sherlockian who'd be willing to listen to my terrible (i hope it isn't) pronounciation and to correct my mistakes c:
so i am trying to get pac into podficing again but my internal mic is not doing me any good- doe you lovely people have any hints or tips for mics and which are good but not too price-y? you can also go high price so that i can see what is best out there and figure out where to get it
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So, I've got a project coming up where I'm (hopefully) going to include artwork for every single chapter (possibly even half-chapters....) and that's pretty easy to do for an mp3 podfic, because you just create several files (as I would anyway, considering that this is going to be a 10h podfic) and imbed the cover art per file
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I know I can split it into two and upload it to soundcloud, but I would prefer to upload it as a complete podbook. Soundcloud's limit is 6 hours, 45 minutes. I want something that's pretty much permanent. I don't mind paying something, but not a fortune!
Has anyone been able to make Chapter and Verse work for chaptered podbooks lately? It won't open on my computer and I'm curious as to whether it's just me or if others are affected? I'm on Windows 10, so that might be part of it.
Is there something else you've been using that you recommend for chaptered podbooks?
So, I'm working (I say working, I'm re-recording the entire thing) on a podfic in which explicit violence plays a large(ish) part, and I know that some fans/potential listeners are not fans of the violence, but everything else in the fic
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After being alerted by the lovely momotastic, I've repaired the broken links left by photobucket choosing to be a money grubbing whore. Please let me know if anything looks out of place! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Love forever, Jenn