BSG character typing

Aug 02, 2013 20:47

So a couple of days ago I took a stab at the Myers-Briggs types of the Supernatural characters, and one of you enablers was like "hey, you don't happen to have an OBSCENE amount of thoughts about the BSG ensemble by any chance?" and I was like "LOL OF COURSE NOT, BY WHICH I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY." This is a lot more off-the-cuff but I think I can defend ( Read more... )

bsg, myers-briggs

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Comments 30

obsessive_a101 August 3 2013, 01:48:52 UTC
Ahhhhh!!! *Squees in joy and excitement over EVERYTHING!!!*


I mean, I "apologize" for being an enabler. >>" Oops? LOL

And I basically sit somewhere in between Billy and Lee somehow... :3 Interesting. XD And yes, the Kara-Lee and Laura-Gaius connections are interesting, VERY interesting to consider. :) And basically pretty beautiful. ♥

This show did a better job with introverts than most shows, which I would actually argue makes a lot of sense. Most shows are about, well, entertaining people, or at least, people who've had to claw their way to the top of their professions/societies/whatever. There's little clawing to be done in the BSG world because EVERYONE ELSE IS DEAD.
Is it horrible that this basically made me laugh? XD


pocochina August 3 2013, 02:37:17 UTC

Billy and Leeeee, precious puppies. Maybe you really are Dee (the Nurturer type)!

The "EVERYONE ELSE IS DEAD" aspect of BSG has a lot of darkly amusing potential, IMO.


obsessive_a101 August 3 2013, 20:57:08 UTC
YEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Encouragement for my enabling habits *cough* are always appreciated. ;)

LOL! I see what you did that. XD And quite possibly? :3 I guess my self-descriptions at the BSG-epics comm is pretty darn accurate. (That, and/or your analysis is just a good fit for me. ;)

I seriously wish they had a character like SPN's Death. Can you just imagine??? (I actually do have a WIP stuck in one of my notebooks... somewhere with that exact crossover stuck in. >>" Oops. Then again, I think I read one fic once that had Thanatos. :))


auroramama August 4 2013, 13:43:39 UTC
SPN Death would be an awesome crossover, though I don't know how much time he'd have to interact with the few humans who aren't, at that moment, in his domain. Talk about queues in Hell...


scifishipper August 3 2013, 02:56:21 UTC
Fascinating! I see Cain as INTJ, like D'Anna (and similar to Bill). She seems to fit the bill well, although in peace time or in her younger life, she might have been ENTJ. She has a shrewd social skill that leads me to believe she could be slightly extroverted at times.

Zarek might be an ENFP gone wrong? He fits so many criteria, but there's a manipulative twist through negative experiences that is so interesting to think about. Hmmm... I'll have to think about him more tomorrow when I'm not so tired.

I love this exercise! :D:D


pocochina August 3 2013, 03:30:20 UTC
It's so much fun to think them all through like this! Being an INTP (simultaneously fascinated by and terrible at understanding people), I find typing to be a really useful and interesting tool ( ... )


bellonablack August 3 2013, 03:19:23 UTC
Gaius as not an ENTP, is like a splash of cold water on the face--but I can't really disagree.

BUT Cavil as an ENTP. Makes up for it. *nods nods*


pocochina August 3 2013, 03:41:56 UTC
LOL. Callis and his wonderful hyperexpressive face are all feeler to me. Cavil is totally the devil-archetype who likes to mess with people to see what happens, whereas Baltar seems only to use those Ne manipulation skills to some self-serving/-preserving end.


bellonablack August 3 2013, 03:49:23 UTC
True that, though some real life ENTP's videos are....quite expressive lol. But in fictional realms, I can really agree that there are even more distinctions between them.

I do think people over-idealize Fi and Fe, too, in these cases, which makes it harder to nail down types. (I myself am still confused on that note, even towards my own type, because confusion).

Because I was told Fe cares more about what people 'think', whereas Fi 'cares' less but then I'll go to another site and it be the complete opposite statements. I mean, I think it is a process of where you go, and how you get there, but it is unhelpful to know the functions like that.

BUT otherwise on the hand of Ne--ENTP are more likely to see what happens to happen, to that end.


ever_neutral August 3 2013, 06:29:44 UTC
Do people think Laura’s an extrovert or?

but the constant is that when under stress, Lee copes by throwing himself into physical sensations.
Ooooooo, how did I never pinpoint this.

When challenged, the ENTJ may by reflex become argumentative. Alternatively (s)he may unleash an icy gaze that serves notice
LOL. Don’t make me have fond feelings about Bill Adama.

I tried my best to type characters in isolation, but it's not lost on me that Kara and Lee are basically each other's shadows. Likewise, Laura and Gaius are opposites, which is both entertaining and beautiful to me.


pocochina August 3 2013, 07:05:08 UTC
Do people think Laura’s an extrovert or?

Apparently! and/or a Feeler. UM HAVE YOU MET LAURA ROSLIN. I mean, it strikes me as typical superficial non-scrutiny that female characters are so frequently subjected to - she's a teacher so she's CLEARLY an F, she's a politician so she's CLEARLY an E, case closed. idk, I don't totally understand why people get into online conversations about stuff they clearly don't care about enough to think through.

Leeeeee. His shadow function's quite subtle, and ofc acknowledging Lee as a character in his own right is Not Done outside of, like, my f-list, so. I love it, though, I think the show did a great job with it.

Don’t make me have fond feelings about Bill Adama.

I can be accused of many things, but this? lol.


puszysty August 3 2013, 20:06:51 UTC
I have no deep thoughts (I can never remember which type is which honestly, except for my own), but this is really intriguing.


pocochina August 3 2013, 20:54:37 UTC
Cool, glad you liked. It's a revealing way to kind of...organize my thoughts about a character's actions and patterns as a whole, I think. I suspect I mostly enjoy flattering myself that I might be Like Felix in some ways, lol.


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