i lay traps for troubadors

Nov 23, 2012 16:17

I'm feeling kind of stuck, you guys. I mean, I'm enjoying posting what I'm posting and reading what I've been reading. I just feel like I have a lot more thoughts than usual getting whipped up in the brain-fog and I can't catch any of them enough to think something through the way I like to do.

Part of the problem, I think, is that I feel like I ( Read more... )

spn: sammay!, supernatural, to/tvd: of gods and mikaelsons, spn: i love luci, meta-fantastica, dollhouse, tvd

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Comments 18

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pocochina November 24 2012, 03:07:55 UTC
I love that site. It's more addictive than Wikipedia.

It really is! All the worse because there's just enough genuinely smart conversation on there that it's worth going back again and again.

it's no wonder the other vampires were so grossed out by it. I mean, it's basically sustenance by vampire sexual assault.

EW, YES. That, and he got that way so he could bring himself to prey on his kids.


obsessive_a101 November 24 2012, 01:09:23 UTC
Hee - but your spit out (somewhat) full thoughts are interesting to read! :D

That said, hmm... tv-tropes is so easy to lose yourself in. I usually end up there because of anime/manga actually because I find the twists and turns in narrative choices in those cases always so jarring (and in many cases, something where my younger self would never question, but my older self can't HELP but question).

BUT! Did you know there's a tv-trope page just dedicated to MM? Not particularly long, but LOL when I first noticed it because I didn't know they made pages for real people... :3


pocochina November 24 2012, 03:08:55 UTC
Did you know there's a tv-trope page just dedicated to MM?

I DID NOT but I am unsurprised by the glowing review I'm seeing now. <3


obsessive_a101 November 24 2012, 04:43:53 UTC
Well, she is "PureAwesome". :D

That said, yes. ♥


pocochina November 24 2012, 04:52:08 UTC
Well, she is "PureAwesome"


... )


local_max November 24 2012, 01:14:25 UTC
So, it took me a few paragraphs into reading the Alpha/Lucifer stuff (I skipped most of the Lucipher in order to focus on the Alphay goodness and to be underspoiled) to realize that you possibly were not drawing an explicit connection (you may have been! I'm slightly unclear) between "I feel like I have to say EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD about topic X before posting and that stresses me the fuck out" and "man I love characters who can just say truths without having any agenda or being held accountable to an exaggerated degree for whatever they happen to point out," because duuuuude, yes. I mean, Spike or Alpha or Zarek actually get to waltz on stage, say about three sentences that reveal *a* truth, but an incomplete one, without the narrative having to actually either validate or explicitly reject it -- which is a problem to an extent, I think, when fandom assumes that their truth telling is unproblematized and takes these characters always at their word, but is advantageous when you want to have an idea be expressed but it's not ( ... )


pocochina November 24 2012, 03:34:15 UTC
you possibly were not drawing an explicit connection (you may have been! I'm slightly unclear) between "I feel like I have to say EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD about topic X before posting and that stresses me the fuck out" and "man I love characters who can just say truths without having any agenda or being held accountable to an exaggerated degree for whatever they happen to point out,"

I really wasn't, but that...is uncomfortably astute, lol. I am eternally in love with the massive temper tantrums I can't bring myself to throw.

Yes and YES to all of your thoughts about Alpha, Echo, and the Dollhouse as Eden. It's as close as I've seen to a modern feminist re-interpretation of the mythology, and it has a special place in my heart for that.

"The apples were monitored!" still cracks me up, because: TRUTH. It doesn't mince around pretending that an arguably benevolent jailer is anything other than your average megalomaniac, and it comes from a character who's got too clear of an agenda to be particularly admirable for it. And that's how ( ... )


local_max November 24 2012, 04:05:12 UTC
I really wasn't, but that...is uncomfortably astute, lol. I am eternally in love with the massive temper tantrums I can't bring myself to throw.

There is a reason for my Dark Willow obsession, and it's not the hotness, though it's not _not_ the hotness.

Yes and YES to all of your thoughts about Alpha, Echo, and the Dollhouse as Eden. It's as close as I've seen to a modern feminist re-interpretation of the mythology, and it has a special place in my heart for that.Yessss. There is some of that in BtVS actually -- the demons came first and the world did not start with a paradise, and I've read season four as being an interpretation of the Garden of Eden story with Adam "naming" the world (lots of filing, giving things names) and ComboBuffy removing the separation implicit in The Word, which is thrilling and I also don't entirely understand it ( ... )


pocochina November 24 2012, 04:17:54 UTC
There is a reason for my Dark Willow obsession, and it's not the hotness, though it's not _not_ the hotness.

Also she's fabulous.

oooh, thanks for the rec! and hahaha, it would drive Adam crazy that he was basically the beta-test for another character. But Alpha, I think, was the far more mature take on the themes brought forth by the Initiative and Adam.


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pocochina November 24 2012, 03:44:37 UTC
ooooh, Dollhouse is fantastic and highly relevant to your interests.

People liking my favorites WRONG can get me as irritated as people disliking them. Or more irritated, depending on the reasoning. I have a reasonable handful of f-listers who can't stand Klaus, but I doubt I have any who woobify him.

(Does this comment imply that you have started BSG & met Zarek?!)

it's entirely possible for a writer to create a character type for a woman that might not be very common in real life but could serve a purpose in fiction (if only to illustrate its comparative rarity, among other things), but I think you'd have a hell of a time getting an audience to accept it.

Yeah, I think that's really true, unfortunately.


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pocochina November 24 2012, 04:10:40 UTC
ANDERSON IS ONE OF US! But yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to your thoughts on the whole thing.

There is far less...organic acceptance of truly hardcore flaws as an intrinsic part of a female character, let alone enjoying those hardcore flaws, I think. Especially ones that are ego-based.

Right. And to some extent I actually understand even the less sexist mechanisms at play there? Because I think it makes a lot of sense to feel like we have to pick around the landmines of the more willfully negative takes on the better-developed female characters, and do that by playing up the positive. But it still ends up implying that being a woman with a story that's worth our attention necessitates being a Nice Girl. Which - speaking as someone who revels in truly complex storytelling and fails at being a Nice Girl myself - is still kind of a downer.


rosaxx50 November 24 2012, 05:53:10 UTC
I was going to say something but then I realised I know nothing about SPN's Lucifer, haven't watched Dollhouse, and have nothing but agreement for what you said about Bela (and Ruby 1.0 because I haven't seen 2.0 in action.)

anyone want to help a focus-challenged lady out and point me toward something to chew on for a while?

You mean another fandom / canon? If so, I always recommend Lucifer by Mike Carey.


pocochina November 24 2012, 18:32:57 UTC
oooh, I recommend Dollhouse to everyone. It's two short seasons which are totally worth every moment.


rosaxx50 November 25 2012, 06:20:23 UTC
I want to, actually (after I watch Buffy and Angel, though), but it seems like the one show that my local library system doesn't have on DVD. Why world why.


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