day 30!

Feb 22, 2011 13:51

AND THANK GOD, because the relentless positivity was killing me. I'm 65% joking.

Day Thirty: Whatever you’d like!  FEMINIST LADIES APPRECIATION POST.  I love me some awesome ladies.  I could probably do another 30 days.  But the thing that sends me into endless squeeful joy is when awesome ladies make overtly feminist statements.  Lady characters can be informed by feminism on the part of the creators, but not be feminists themselves; they may be awesome and have to keep their feminism under wraps; they may just have the misfortune to be on shows where the writers generally think letting them walk, talk, and breathe like they was people or something is feminism.  But sometimes, awesome ladies get to be feminists, and when this happens it makes my black little heart explode with rainbows and unicorns.  AWESOME FEMINIST LADY-QUOTES BELOW!  PLEASE SHARE YOUR FAVORITES!

Buffy (BtVS): So here's the part where you make a choice. What if you could have that power, now? In every generation, one Slayer is born, because a bunch of men who died thousands of years ago made up that rule. They were powerful men. [Willow]... is more powerful than all of them combined. So I say we change the rule. I say my power... should be our power. Tomorrow, Willow will use the essence of the Scythe to change our destiny. From now on, every girl in the world who might be a Slayer, will be a Slayer. Every girl who could have the power, will have the power, can stand up, will stand up. Slayers... every one of us. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong? (Chosen)

CJ: You know, if I was living in Qumar I wouldn't be able to say "Shove it up your ass, Toby." But since I'm not, shove it up your ass, Toby. (And all of The Women of Qumar)

Cordelia (AtS): [Virgin sacrifice] has nothing to do with purity. This is all about dominance, buddy. You can bet if someone ordered a male body part for religious sacrifice, the world would be atheist *snaps* like that! (Shroud of Rahmon)

Paris Geller (Gilmore Girls): Oh, you men, always telling us to calm down. Me, Hillary, Martha -the second we make a squeak, you're pushing us onto the fainting couch. (Luke Can See Her Face)

Darla (AtS):  “Can’t a woman wreak a little havoc without there being a man involved?” (Redefinition)

Echo (Dollhouse): I’m not your girlfriend. (Omega)

Claire Saunders (Dollhouse). I like my scars. They bring out my eyes. (Vows)

anonymous handmaid: “Nolite te bastardes carborundorum” (Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale)

Jenny Calendar (BtVS): You think knowledge should be kept in these carefully-guarded repositories where only a handful of old white guys can get at it! (I Robot, You Jane)

Amy Gardner (West Wing): 100 Anti-choice votes. I'm not fine with it. A Congress that votes to ban late-term abortions even when a woman's life is in danger. 'Affordable day care' is a contradiction in terms. Gag rules and old men who think women's issues should be the subject of PTA meetings and not the U.S. House of Representatives. I'm not fine with it. The WLC's not fine with it. Women aren't fine with it. (The Two Bartlets) (And everything else my girl says.)

feminism, awesome ladies

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