shallow Mad Men thoughts

Sep 27, 2010 21:21

I genuinely ABHOR the "couple gets pregnant and their most serious issues magically disappear" storyline, so I'm really glad the show didn't go there - Joan and Roger love each other, but if it's going to work out, it's not going to be bought so conventionally.

I am so unbelievably excited about the mature, neutral way Joan's abortion was presented, showcasing the judgment she would get from society but not condoning it; recognizing that someone can grieve after a pregnancy about which they were ambivalent but can be fine; having Rampant Blowhard Sterling call out the doctor for being judgmental made me fist pump for real.  Joan as a sympathetic woman who wants kids and who we genuinely care for who has had multiple abortions and isn't ashamed of or demonized for it!  I cannot tell you all how hard this makes my day.

And yet.  Not to look a shockingly progressive gift horse in the mouth, but JOAN, HONEY.  Three pill failures?  On those ancient horse-pills full of hormones?  Joan does not seem like the "lol I forgot my pills in my other purse FOR THE LAST WEEK" type, particularly as that type is vanishingly rare.  There is ONE CONCLUSION ONLY:  Joan needs a new pharmacist, STAT.

mad men, reproductive justice, abortion

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