
Nov 30, 2011 11:59


I've reached some hitherto undiscovered levels of tired. I'm forgetting what words are and how they mean. I spent ten minutes staring at an email trying to remember what I was supposed to do to it. (Anwser: Reply.)

Tired tired tired tired.


tired.Right now I simultaneously want to be watching White Collar, The ( Read more... )

meme, work: office girl, teevee, tired

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Comments 16

bessiemaemucho November 30 2011, 18:06:45 UTC
Kait, what dinosaur is best at witchcraft?

Kait, what should my cat wear to prom?

Kait, what year do you think male pregnancy will become technologically viable? Will it be in our lifetime?

Kait, what do you think Rob Lowe's current reading level is?


leiascully December 1 2011, 01:15:31 UTC
He's all the time tweeting, so he's either reached a junior high level or someone is reading Twitter to him!


bessiemaemucho December 1 2011, 01:51:41 UTC
Basically my favorite thing that ever happened was awhile ago someone asked RL if he wrote all his tweets himself, and he replied that he did. What a big day for Rob Lowe!! Assuming you can believe a single word he tweets.


pocky_slash December 1 2011, 15:22:06 UTC

Kait, what dinosaur is best at witchcraft?

Ankylosaurus, obviously. Everyone knows the dinosaurs became extinct because Ankylosauruses put a curse on all other kinds of dinosaurs. They retreated underground to save themselves, and to this day there is a thriving Ankylosaurus empire beneath the crust of the Earth. They're actually in the middle of their golden age right now--they've managed to find peace with the Mole People after millenia of war and agression. You should see the art they're producing now--beautiful, truly. And the operas will just make you weep with feeling.

Kait, what should my cat wear to prom?

Blue spandex tuxedo with matching tophat. Also, a monocle.

Kait, what year do you think male pregnancy will become technologically viable? Will it be in our lifetime?

I certainly hope it is--we need to do it quickly, before Adam Lambert is past his prime birthing years.

Kait, what do you think Rob Lowe's current reading level is?I would say probably first grade. He knows what the sounds are, now, but he's still ( ... )


brienze November 30 2011, 18:25:13 UTC
Could you expound on why pizza in Boston is unacceptably different from pizza in NYC/Jersey? Because from here, it all sounds pretty damn authentic.

-Signed, Texan whose best option is to make St. Louis style pizza at home


pocky_slash December 1 2011, 15:29:55 UTC
Could you expound on why pizza in Boston is unacceptably different from pizza in NYC/Jersey?

It's hard to explain in words if you haven't experienced it yourself. New York metro area pizza is just... better. My mom claims it has something to do with the water, which explains why the bagels are better too, but... yeah. The consistancy of Boston-area (and any other pizza, really) pizza isn't right. They get the ratio of sauce to cheese to crust wrong. And the crust is rarely right consistancy-wise or the way that it's cooked or anything like that.

It's really sort of beyond words. I feel bad for all of the kids all over the world eating pizza who don't realize that they're not eating REAL pizza, merely a pale imitation.


(The comment has been removed)

pocky_slash December 1 2011, 15:31:12 UTC



likeadeuce November 30 2011, 21:39:38 UTC
I just realized I don't know what your user name means. It could mean you write slash involving the X-Men character 'Apocalypse' but that seems unlikely.


pocky_slash December 1 2011, 15:36:54 UTC
Haha, no, that's not it, but bonus tidbit: When Brendan and I were kids (like, seven and five, maybe?) we called Apocalypse "Apoopylypse" and thought it was the funniest thing we'd ever heard. We did it well past the point where toilet humor is deemed acceptable in polite society.

But! My username! I created my LiveJournal when I was like... sixteen because my girlfriend at the time didn't like that I had said something "mean" about her in my blogspot blog. So I wanted a "secret" blog where I could say what was on my mind without censoring myself from her. My friend Ingrid had an LJ invite code and I liked the idea of custom locking things, but I wanted a username not at all connected to any of my other usernames. In trying to come up with one, Ingrid was listing things that I liked as possibilities and was like, "pocky/[something else]" and I was like, "Hahaha, pocky slash! That's funny! Like you're slashing pocky."

So. pocky_slash.


likeadeuce December 1 2011, 17:30:33 UTC
So, wait, i still don't know what pocky is. . .


leiascully December 1 2011, 01:14:36 UTC
I can't think of any questions that aren't ~scandalous (just kidding).

Kaaaaaaaaaaaait. Tell me about your perfect day.


pocky_slash December 1 2011, 15:41:56 UTC
You can ask me scandalous questions whenever you want ;D

Um, perfect day. Hm. This is hard! Um, first off, it would probably be about 36 hours long. Secondly, I would sleep in and then go out to breakfast. And then...idk. If it was a regular day, I would come home and watch a good teevee show and write and the weather would be nice, so I could write on my porch. And I'd stay up late watching horror movies and then go to bed and not spend any of the day being stressed or anxious about shit.

Ideal perfect day--all my favorite people (my Boston friends, my internet friends, my NYC/NJ friends) would be hanging out. Maybe going some place fun like a carnival or a con or something. And we wouldn't have to wait on line and we'd have breakfast food and we'd all talk and laugh and get along and share stories and hug each other a lot. And we'd stay up late around a bonfire or in a coffee shop or in someone's living room, just talking and enjoying each other's company. And again with the not being stressed or anxious and just enjoying the


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