mixed emotions

Aug 07, 2010 02:39

Here is a song:

Dar Williams - You're Aging Well
Why is it that as we grow older and stronger ( Read more... )

torchwood, work: bn, music, fandom, dar williams

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Comments 29

lefaym August 7 2010, 06:44:32 UTC
I am, for the most part, not reading any entry that references "Torchwood" at the moment. As I said to [info]solsticezero, either I'll become desensitized to the idea of S4, I'll become super adept at ignoring it, or I'll take a fandom hiatus, but for the moment, scrolling is all I can handle. I don't want to cut myself off from everyone, but I'm also kind of tired of being judged, even if it's not directly or intentionally, or really happening at all except for in my head.


You're doing the right thing. I made the mistake of getting involved in a couple of conversations, all of which were reasonable and polite converstaions, but... I can't shake the feeling that I'm making myself look stupid.

Anyway... kittens and rainbows, yeah?


pocky_slash August 7 2010, 07:00:52 UTC
::hugs back::

I feel the same way. Every time someone is like, "Oh, I'm not talking about you," I can't help but think, "But everything you said there applies to me, so I think what you really mean is that you ARE talking about me, but you like me, so you don't want me to feel bad."

I think I watch teevee and ingest media in general in a very different way than most people. I've been thinking of posting about it for awhile now, but with things being what they are (you know, moving, leaving work, etc) I just haven't had time. But... I don't know. I think people sometimes don't realize that there are different ways to approach media and some of them don't lend themselves to getting over shit like this as easily.


I AM ALL ABOUT KITTENS AND RAINBOWS. As evidenced by this, frankly, terrifying picture that comes up when you google "kittens and rainbows":

... )


lefaym August 7 2010, 07:05:49 UTC

*runs away from the scary rainbow kitten*



pressdbtwnpages August 7 2010, 06:46:56 UTC
I know this wasn't intended as a "please love on me" post but it seemed like as good a time as any to say that though we've never actually shared primary fandoms (at least not at the same time) I like you a lot and think you're very awesome and totally sit at the cool kids table.

So there.


pocky_slash August 7 2010, 07:02:05 UTC
Aw. Even if it wasn't a "please love on me" post, I do appreciate it ♥ I think you are pretty awesome, too. :)


metonymy August 7 2010, 07:11:53 UTC
Um, I had a major discussion at my last session of therapy about how much of my life problems can be traced to my fear of rejection which grows directly out of shit that happened to me in middle school. So. PARANOID AND CRAZY, UNITE!

Ingriiiiiiid. I know it's super far away but I am SO EXCITED.



pocky_slash August 7 2010, 17:00:01 UTC
It took me all the way until the end of my freshman year at Purchase for me to realize that when people I didn't know that well came up and asked to sit with me at lunch when I was alone in the dining hall, it wasn't because they were going to make fun of me or say mean things or other shitty stuff, it was because they genuinely wanted to sit with me.

So, yes, fear of rejection ftw. Or for the lose. HARD TO TELL, REALLY.

I am excited toooooooo! I am especially excited that there are SEATS for SITTING. I am old, and I have not had awesome experiences standing at Ingrid shows.

No lie, when I first read that last night, I thought it said "internet cocktails!" and I was like, "No, real life cocktails, as soon as I get home."


metonymy August 7 2010, 18:44:32 UTC
I go with for the lose. But that's me!

I GOT THE TICKETS IN THE MAIL TODAY. \o/ And yes, the Calvin is gorgeous and I am a huge fan of seats. My sister was like "can I have the aisle seat?" and I was like "...GETTING AHEAD OF OURSELVES, AREN'T WE?"

Internet cocktails would so have been the better choice.


rexluscus August 7 2010, 07:44:44 UTC
I would like to point out that Sherlock has been around for two episodes and there is already eating disorder fic.

I actually lol'd. Oh man, Sherlock is going to be an epic woobie. With abusive parents.

Yep, scrolling is what I'm doing too.


pocky_slash August 7 2010, 17:01:59 UTC
Yeah, I've also already found Sherlock rape!fic and Sherlock "the kids at school were mean to me" fic. Surprisingly, though, there is a TON of fic where John is tragically wounded and near death and Sherlock is forced to confront his feelings for him. It's like he's playing both sides of the cliched slash fic relationship at once!


rexluscus August 7 2010, 17:37:06 UTC
I think that's the mark of a robust slash fandom! Guess "Sherlock" is here to stay. :)


dremiel August 7 2010, 09:40:59 UTC
Urgh... Live music and too many wonderful choices and WHY do you need to spend money on stupid things like food? I am so with you!!! Also, Dar ( ... )


pocky_slash August 7 2010, 17:06:28 UTC
Dar is MY FAVORITE EVER (excepting Paul Simon, who is at another level entirely) and her shows in Boston this tour are SO EXPENSIVE. $40! That is a lot for Dar! I don't think I've ever paid that much to see her!

I will be going, of course, if I can manage it, because, as I said, she is my favorite. But still!

Dude, you are NOT a jerk. None of the people who are excited are jerks, honestly! You guys shouldn't have to temper what you say in your online journals because I'm not happy. That's not the way the internet works, honestly. I don't want anyone to stop being happy or to think that they can't be super happy publicly because it will upset me or anyone else. This is my issue that I have to work through.

And, yeah, it doesn't help that half the anti-S4 crowd consists of the crazy "Save Ianto Jones" people who are jerks. But, yes, you're allowed to be gleeful about it even though I want nothing to do with it. We don't always have to agree :)

Clearly, we have already e-mailed about the con situation. So I will leave this at that XD


dremiel August 7 2010, 17:14:27 UTC


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