Jan 12, 2009 13:57

Am on my lunchbreak at work. People have yet to ask me why I'm on a computer instead of being productive, but nevermind ( Read more... )

work, me, friends, foodpangs

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Comments 5

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plum177 January 12 2009, 18:10:46 UTC
They DO. They Are and I AM!

I need Milgi!love


oz_the_bobble January 12 2009, 14:27:21 UTC
:P He's Gordon, he's been Gordon since MPH! caffeine_highs and mad_lemming_89 named him.


plum177 January 12 2009, 18:12:13 UTC
I had forgotten...

Umbrella Mouse has now aquired the name of Douglas. Except he prefers to be known as Umbrella Mouse.


the_hatstand January 12 2009, 17:17:04 UTC
I'd just like to say that I love your icon, but I won't because you might question my motive...


plum177 January 12 2009, 18:17:40 UTC
... Why would I question your love of Turlough? *innocentface*


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