
Nov 05, 2009 01:39

I am trying this new thing where I try to remember things that make me happy. At the moment, it is remembering those things that make me distinctly me. I have been feeling rather nostalgic in the past few months. I believe it started when Michael Jackson died. Because despite the sadness I still feel for having lost such a huge part of my ( Read more... )

tv, music, celebrity deaths, 1990s, nostaglia, 1980s, things i like, trenton, pop culture, movies

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Comments 8

oneboyarmy November 5 2009, 07:30:36 UTC
I remember all of these things, because I am older than you!

I remember seeing the Moonwalker arcade games outside of various department stores and at The Tilt. (fuck, remember how cool The Tilt was in the 80s?!)

I remember the first NES that our family had (my cousin got one, then the rest followed suit) and remember my youngest aunt still playing 45s all the time. Remember when CDs started becoming a big deal? Yeah.

We've seen alot in our 20-some years, it's going to be great seeing how many things change going forward.


plaguemachine November 5 2009, 07:50:24 UTC
Only by 13 months. :P

We got an NES after playing my aunt's. She also had an Atari but would never let me play it! My mom had a shit-ton of 45s. She had one spindle that was entirely Michael Jackson singles. Yesss -- I remember having a WTF moment the first time I ever saw a CD. I thought of them as "little records." I had a cassette player and a record player. My parents would buy me off of the kiddie records! My step-dad had a CD player.

Yesssss! You know...my son got into a car without push-button windows. He was like...?!? I had to show him how to crank the window down.

I think that we'll see gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana before we die.


1980's winterminute November 5 2009, 14:13:52 UTC
God I remember Moonwalker. Weird movie, and a equally weird game made by Sega. I remember it ended with Michael turning into a transformer.

I remember when childern didn't have to be in childseats. I was one of them.

I remember Saturday morning cartoons.

I remember my saturday morning cartoons being interupted by the civil unrest in Tiananmen Square, and seeing a man protesting by standing up infront of a collumn of tanks.

I remember when communism fell and how happy I was to see the Berlin wall coming down.

I was working in a highrise in the middle of the city of Pittsburgh when 9/11 happened and for the first time in my life I had witnessed an evacuation of the downtown metropolis area. Oddly enough in the chaos I had found my sister Nicole and childhood friend Josh and we all rode the bus home together to Monongahela. I remember realizing my cell phone was useless in such an event as all the cell towers will overloaded.


Re: 1980's plaguemachine November 6 2009, 02:45:44 UTC
I had a ridiculous early 80s clunky carseat, which I only used until I was 2ish. From that point, it was lapbelts and even...sitting up front!

I seem to remember a lot of unrest interrupting Saturday morning cartoons!


silverannex November 5 2009, 22:22:49 UTC
Yeah, I watched Moonwalker, too. Kinda a weird film, though, with old MJ turning into a car and a robot.


plaguemachine November 6 2009, 02:47:34 UTC
It was definitely different. It was the age of obscure claymation, though; so, at the times I thought it was pretty cool. Hehe.


littlerootsie November 8 2009, 02:26:12 UTC
i still have it :) my grandpa taped it for my cousin and he was recently able to convert it to dvd. i also remember the NES came. both were equally crazy but i very much enjoy(ed) them


plaguemachine November 9 2009, 07:31:49 UTC
My mom still has her original copy. I keep telling her that she needs to go through her VHSs and find it for me! That's neat that he was able to convert it too DVD!

TJ still has his NES, and it works occasionally. So, I brought all of the games over since my completely died about 10 years ago.


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