Artificial flowers cannot die for life within them is illusion.

Sep 10, 2006 00:08

Since Taylor told me that I need to post things, I have been searching for something to post about. I did have one with some weird stuff I've drawn, but since my NYC have come in, I'm going to include them in that, so it's going take a while for that to come up ( Read more... )

house, kenshin, babblings, things, gosh it's late..., anime, fan fiction

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Comments 6

lp_drumline7 September 10 2006, 12:28:06 UTC
Haha, your icon.

Is the first one... Cuddy? For the girl? Maybe that's a stupid question?


pippins_addict September 10 2006, 14:25:51 UTC

Yes...I have this off kilter love of not using names, but rather descriptions, usually enough to make it obvious, so I think. It's the way I like to write, but it fails to ever get me decent reviews, so I usually avoid it...but, dunno, try it! It's fun. ^_^


lp_drumline7 September 10 2006, 14:28:12 UTC
Oh, I love it. I really liked the style of that one xD I've tried it a few times, but I usually can't get through the whole fic. I give up halfway and tell you the name, heh.


pippins_addict September 10 2006, 16:58:20 UTC

Ha, I just had someone go review all my House-fics, which are mostly written in this vein, by description rather than name, and was like 'this sucks, it's too confusing, you need to use names!' and then said 'Wines' was inappropriate. XP I actually had to ditch my first FF dot net name because I was getting harrassed, I really don't want to have to that happen again, oi vey. [/babble]


zanra September 12 2006, 14:57:28 UTC
On the contrary I think the first one is really really accurate and excellent, you just have to smooth it out a bit. Which means spend more time editing, woman, because that ficlet deserves it! Chase's and Wilson's parts are especially good. For a long time I thought the last one was Cameron...

"What's this thing in my mouth, it feels good, I think I'll call this one a toothpick."


pippins_addict September 12 2006, 18:39:31 UTC
It was speed writing and still sounds so silly and warped to me, there's no real meaning there, I think, other than House is a very picky bugger about who he fights with. There is a fine distinction you know! I just went with whatever...really, it's not that good.

Tsk tsk, not Cameron. Cuddy can be defied, but not Cameron, Cameron is ignored and subjected to things she doesn't care for, that's what gets her in a mood. But Cuddy also tends to fight smarter, not harder. I love her sometimes. :)

Haha, Kenshin outtakes. Cho is a nut, ain't he?


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