School is over for you and you and you!

May 25, 2004 19:44

So another school yr has come to an end! Finally, this most definately has been the worst yet! I hated this year and I don't think anyone I know could disagree. I cant wait for summer to start I have so many plans. I really need to work more so I can earn more mulah. lol. Anyways in a little while I am leaving to go over Melissa's and we will ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

keltime May 26 2004, 00:20:57 UTC
This year was alright. Definately didn't top 10th grade but this year had its fun moments :).

I'm really looking forward to summer, so is everyone else. This is really the last one that we can take advantage of before we graduate because like Casey said, everyone will have a different mindset by then (college, etc).

We'll make it good. You know how we do.


gimmeyourpants May 26 2004, 02:34:27 UTC
you work too much already. lol.

Yeah, we definately need to make this summer the best one yet.


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