Title: Cry With A Smile : A Yaoi Poem
Author: Perverted Priestess 69
Pairing: Aizen/Gin
Rating: G
Warning: D/s Themes, mentions of bloodplay
Summary: Somewhere locked in the back of his mind, well guarded and hidden from all… It is there.
Your smile incenses me
When you give it so freely
To press my madness to your lips
To taste our metallic melody
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Comments 4
Cry with a smile is a sentiment I share for I too smile when I am terribly upset and often to hide my pain or anger or just plain irritation, so on a less intense level I can relate to this. And for this reason I like to think there is more to Gin than what his smiles communicate. Good job!
Ah well. I like this poem all the more now, for exploring Aizen and giving him more than I can usually appreciate of his character.
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