Through the Gaps of Life

Dec 05, 2011 20:25

Hyukjae does not want to leave the studio. He wants to keep DJ-ing, wants to keep singing to old English songs, wants to keep receiving calls from fans, wants to stay a little longer and hog the mic. His mic.

The radio show has ended, after two fast hours, and Hyukjae does not want to step outside of the room where he had become comfortable in for 5 years and 3 months. He wipes his tears and stands up, only to stare at his surroundings. He takes a couple of photos of his broadcasting microphone, and a couple of his monitor.

He glances at Leeteuk, who is fixing his things. Leeteuk had sucked it in; Held back his tears. But Hyukjae just couldn’t. Kiss the Radio is a huge part of his life, and today it meant the end of that part. Today was their last day as SuKiRa’s radio hosts, and it stirred up so many different emotions- emotions he could not exactly explain.

When it is time to go, Hyukjae lingers near the door. He leans on the door frame, staring at the room where he had shared so many memories with Super Junior and the world. Most of the lights are closed, but Leeteuk and Donghae, who had come to visit and watch the broadcast, live, are waiting for him near the exit.

He sighs, and shifts his weight from one foot to another. “This is the end...” he mutters to himself.

“It isn’t.” Someone gently holds on to his hand, giving it a light squeeze. He turns around to see Donghae, a small, sympathetic smile on his face. Words are not said when he intertwines his fingers with the older man’s.

“It is.” Hyukjae mumbles, feeling his tears welling up. He tries holding them back. “I-t’s over, so over.”

Again, Donghae smiles at him, cups his face and wipes the tears that have escaped. Hyukjae does not freeze. Instead, he closes his eyes and whimpers. “I feel so bad.” He tells the younger, pressing the hand on his face closer. “Like a part of me is missing.”

“I’ll always be there.” Donghae assures him, and presses a kiss on the side of his mouth.

He opens his eyes and sees loving eyes staring at him, ones that smile at him. With pure affection. “I’ll complete you Hyukjae.” He says it like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and so Hyukjae steals a soft, chaste kiss from him.

Suddenly he feels a little bit better.

not the most creative title, or fic... I apologize. This is a first. )8

!pairing: eunhae, !fic: ttgof, !oneshot

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