user friendly, coloring my art

Jan 27, 2007 12:27

1) Hey, this is the quarterly post mentioning that:

Here is the guide to my journal, fic index, memes, tags, etc. And incidentally, why my lj name is a gimped octopus. This is the index of (most) of my fic. The user friendly tag is the tag for all of this... well, you get the idea.

2) Please read this if you want to color/alter my art:

This might sound a little harsh, but I'm going for clarity, so, bear with me.

My black and white line art can be found at this tag. You are welcome to play around with coloring these pictures. Go for it! Have fun! However, please:1. Use this tag. If it's not on the tag, please ask first. Sometimes I forget to add things.
2. Tell me. Either ask me before you do it, or let me know afterwards (with a link, if applicable).
3. Please don't alter the line art aside from what might be necessary to clean up the lines.
4. Please do not post the picture directly into my comments. A link is fine, but if it's a picture I may delete the comment and ask you to repost.
The other part of altering is icons and wallpapers, etc. I am touchier about this than I am about coloring line art, so: 1. Please ask first. If I don't respond, I'm sorry, I'm kind of scatterbrained about that, but consider it a no.
2. It's totally fine to post icons directly in comments, but anything larger give me a link please.
3. You can mess with cropping and color and texture, etc, to your heart's content, but please don't alter the content of the base image.
ETA: Obviously, credit me, this journal and the post with the original picture, please.

When in doubt, ask. If you've done something previously that didn't agree with these rules, don't worry about it. No problem, you are totally okay.

Basically, I'd just like a little warning if you do want to alter my work. I'm attached to my work, and springing it on me is the best way to make sure I am not happy about it.

Man, I can't help but feel that was kind of a downer. UH. CHEERFULNESS:

user friendly, art cute, art team, art color, art sga, art john, art

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