Teen Wolf art: Lydia Martin

Sep 02, 2013 14:38

So I started watching Teen Wolf. This picture is Lydia Martin. She screams a lot and is my favorite. She has lots of personality, is super smart, and is very self-interested (as opposed to a protagonist who's limited plotwise to Doing the Right Thing, i.e. Scott and Allison), and gets to do eerie creepy things that freak her out. She is oodles of fun to watch.

Please give me recs! Tell me where the hangouts and challenges are! Though I've heard this is a one pairing fandom - Y/N? Maybe I can bribe people for Lydia fic? Ooh, how about team fic?! There's got to be that, right?

I hear fandom has a lot of Derek. My favorite part of Derek Hale is his total failure at life and leadership. (He hopes all his pack babies' problems can be solved by TRYING HARDER or CARING MORE - and he's wrong and there are consequences. I ♥ consequences.) I am making a wild assumption that fic!Derek will be... competent and/or smooth, even, and that will make me sad. So sad. :(

Also, I WANT LYDIA. And yes, Lydia/Stiles. Or Lydia/anyone. And teamfic. And world building. Tell me -- is there hope?!

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art cute, art color, teen wolf, art, art teen wolf

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