Art: Jade, Moon, Chime from the Books of the Raksura by Martha Wells

Jan 18, 2013 09:47

marycrawford won my yuletide guessing game (immediately and with no hesitation -- which also happened with my KakaIru fic, so I guess I was predictable this year), and she asked for an illustration from Children of the New Court and gave several options. I chose the scene where Chime is putting jewelry on Moon.

marycrawford,by the way, wrote a fantastic yuletide fic of her own in another Martha Wells verse: When the Sea is, Fall of Ile-Rien, Tremaine, Ilias, Gilead
Tremaine had been living in Cineth for more than a month now, and so far, none of her more pessimistic predictions had come to pass. She hadn’t gotten anyone killed, not even Cletia; she hadn’t added Ilias to her previously dismal record of broken relationships; and she hadn’t been homesick for Vienne at all.
which I enjoyed immensely.)

Anyway, here goes:

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