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Comments 10

tingler May 27 2011, 15:32:39 UTC

Is brilliant! And Steve would be happy because he knows Chin is a Genuine Nice Guy and yet still probably tough enough to stand up to his ball-busting little sister who is tough as nails but, of course, still needs someone to look after her because she is his little sister.


pentapus May 27 2011, 19:34:37 UTC
Yeah, I think Steve would be happy. But I think the initial revelation -- starting with Chin just thinking about Steve's reaction -- would be pretty good entertainment for a little while. :D


(The comment has been removed)

pentapus May 27 2011, 19:36:32 UTC
Hahaha. That is a worthy goal. (I think Mary could help with that?)


blueocean80 May 27 2011, 19:45:27 UTC
WHY did you have to mention Chin/Steve? Now I'll be thinking about them and their high school days for a ridiculous amount of time!!! I convinced myself that they had something going on when they were kids: either they both had epic crushes on each other but didn't act on them for a number of reasons or they did get together and alsdfkjslgj omg, my brain may explode now!!!

BUT I'd totally love to see Mary/Chin, too. Also your art? Haha, Mary would SO obsess about Chin and his motorbike whereas Chin would be gentlemanly, super nice and all about ~proper~ dating!

How do you feel about Mary/Kono?

Ack, can't I ship everyone/everyone?


pentapus May 27 2011, 21:25:11 UTC
Hahaha, see this is why I make a bad slash fan. I read your comment and thought, "What? Where? Chin/Steve? When? Who did?"

Mary/Kono would be fantastic. Kono would be very, "Oh, Jeez, I am probably in trouble and I don't even care." and wanting to show off the whole island and yet a little rookie shy at the same time. XD XD

I fully support shipping everyone/everyone. I am always really sad that people don't write fics for more pairings. Chin/Mary! Steve/Chin! Kono/Mary! Kono/Catherine! Chin/Catherine! Catherine/Jenna! Jenna/Steve! Or even just more plotty fics about the ladies in general. :)


blueocean80 May 27 2011, 21:49:11 UTC
Welllllllllll, there are a few (very few, but still) Chin/Steve fics out there. Iirc one about highschool. I NEED TO FIND IT BECAUSE OMG LASKJKDGLAHLKF Chin was like, "we can't do this Steve!" and Steve was hurt/pissed and then he enlisted because of that and then...and then, the show happened and askdka they still had feelings and omg. You need to read it! BRB with the link.

Haha, I hear you! Did you read the AU where the ladies were in charge? Uhm, I don't remember if it was leupagus or robanybody. Maybe gus. Uhm.


Found it! blueocean80 May 27 2011, 22:39:33 UTC
*pumps fist in the air*

There are also a few awesome Chin/Danny fics somewhere...


seldearslj May 30 2011, 06:05:30 UTC
Sweetie, don't distract me with pretty H50 pics while I'm trying to write Trek!fic... :D


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