SGA icons: Teyla, cute chibi pairing icons

Jan 15, 2008 01:56

Teyla Takes Over

To celebrate my love of Teyla this season, I'm offering a little incentive to spread the Teyla love around lj fandom. This post is my subversive Teyla plot--with cute icons as my tools of war. :D

There are six shareable icons of a few of the pairings my flist suggested. I spent a lot of time making them as perfect as possible, so hopefully they will be fun to use! I want to spread them--and Teyla--around lj, so in that interest, please choose one of these three options in order to use the icons:

1) Make a Gratuitous Icon Post (GIP) to show the icon off.
2) Make a Teyla love post.
3) Post a Teyla drabble (or a doodle, if you're so inclined).

Also, please comment to let know you've grabbed one, and credit me and/or link to this post in the comments section of your lj userpics.



backgrounds made with brushes by blimeyicons.
3 and 4 are probably my favorites, but I love all of them.
I think of 1 as strawberry-flavored Rodney.
5 comes from a picture I drew for tielan which you can see here.
cesperanza came up with the three options, so thank her (or curse her, as the case may be).
big thanks also to ileliberte for being my art beta on these
4 is inspired by season 4 spoilers, but you'll only notice if you're already spoiled.
I hope to make some more of these, or some Teyla mood lj icons, so... wait with baited breath, I guess. :)
I have the bigger versions (before touch ups + color adjusting) of some of these, which I can post if there's enough interest.

prompt, art team, art sga, art teyla, icons, art, sga, art cute, teyla, art color, art john

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