User friendly: greetings! Take me to your leader.

Aug 12, 2007 08:36

Hi, hi. This is the recurring user's guide, hello new lurkers post. Just--hello, introduce yourselves if you feel inclined, how'd you end up here, etc, etc. And also, some links:

Here is the guide to my journal, fic index, memes, tags, etc. And incidentally, why my lj name is a gimped octopus. This is the index of (most) of my fic. And this (#2)Read more... )

user friendly

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Comments 15

dirty_smudge August 12 2007, 16:20:40 UTC
Um... hi. I've commented on a few posts already, but not properly introduced myself.
I've read everything under the SGA tag and now I'm viewing your journal so's I can read new entries.
You can call me Smudge.


pentapus August 12 2007, 19:29:59 UTC
*waves* Hello! Nice to meet you.


aurora_84 August 12 2007, 16:42:45 UTC
Hi! Hi!

I don't have you friended, but I visit your journal from time to time, because you draw pretty SGA pictures. *g*


pentapus August 12 2007, 19:30:15 UTC
Hello! Aww, thank you.


itsychick August 12 2007, 19:07:25 UTC
Hi! I wandered here from where some of your SGA stuff was highly praised and got hooked. :)

John's adorable little pointy ears, gah! *flails*


pentapus August 14 2007, 16:20:05 UTC
Hello! And thank you, I'm glad you like it.


Lurker Ahoy! variola_vera August 13 2007, 07:51:28 UTC
Hi, I'm not quite sure how I found your lj but it's adorable (and I borrowed one of your icons, thank you very much). I love octopuses too, enough that I started as a marine bio major with an emphasis in invertebrate zoology, but that didn't last long once I hit oceanography and then discovered virology. But the Greater Blue Ringed Octopus is still my favorite animal and I collect octopus stuff. Cephalopod fans unite. =)

So mostly I lurk and boggle at the cool artwork. =)


Re: Lurker Ahoy! pentapus August 14 2007, 16:22:24 UTC
Yay, Cephalopods! \o/ I got so confused when I opened the comment notification and saw that icon. I thought, "Wait, I replied to myself? What?" So, uh, hello! Nice to meet you.


bratfarrar August 13 2007, 14:13:17 UTC
I've been semi-lurking for a little while now, I suppose. But since I just wrote you a ficlet, it would probably be polite to actually introduce myself.

Hi. I'm Brat. And SGA has sort of slurped up most of my brain over the past couple months. Um. I really like your stories and pictures and stuff.

...Yeah. That's about all, I guess.


pentapus August 15 2007, 16:33:56 UTC
Hee. And I'm glad you did write a ficlet; I loved it, and then there was more on your journal. I'm looking forward to illustrating it. *waves* Nice to meet you.


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