
Apr 10, 2013 16:47

Name: Laura ( Read more... )

age: any, snail mail, location:anywhere, swaps

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Comments 5

crimsonsparkles April 11 2013, 23:55:12 UTC
I'm totally interested. Email me at smay_langs@yahoo.com


evangelynab April 13 2013, 22:38:39 UTC
HI! When I was reading your post I noticed we like a lot of the same things! I'm a huge sci-fi/paranormal fan and I love cooking (mostly baking but I definitely enjoy experimenting in the kitchen with new meals). I used to have a few pen pals that I really enjoyed but as time went on the letters slowly started dwindling and finally stopped. I love having pen pals and getting letters and will continue to write as long as a pen pal will and as long as we continue to get along and stay interested in being friends. I would really like to get to know you more and hopefully start writing to each other. =) Email: EvangelynaB@hotmail.com


ecoprincess April 19 2013, 07:58:43 UTC
Hi, I'd love to write to you! I'm 26 from the UK and we seem to have some shared interests :)


n_isfor_neville April 19 2013, 15:01:56 UTC
Yay! I will PM you my address.


sallycandance May 26 2013, 15:10:04 UTC
Hi! I'm a 31 year old teacher from the US - we seem to have many common interests. Check out my LJ profile and PM me, if you're interested in becoming snailmail penpals.


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