Hi everyone!

Oct 22, 2012 16:34

Name: Damian
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Location: Poland
Occupation: high school student
Relationship Status: single
Languages spoken: American English, French, Spanish, Polish

About: I'm Damian, 17 years old boy living in southern Poland. Joyful, helpful, understanding and down-to-earth - these are the things that describe me best ;) I love to keep in touch ( Read more... )

looking for: us, snail mail, location: europe, looking for: any location, age: 16-19

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Comments 5

ext_1443266 October 23 2012, 05:03:12 UTC
I'm a little old, but if you want to practice English, that's my native language! :)


yellesha October 28 2012, 20:48:35 UTC
Hi, I'm 19 and from Scotland, so my native language is English. If you wanna snailmail, mail me on LJ or email me: me_cheesed@hotmail.com


twilight_rush October 28 2012, 21:35:42 UTC
I've loved JoJo since I was in elementary school, so you're automatically awesome for liking her too.

Anyway, I'm 18 and from the US! If you want, I'd totally like to be your penpal. I think we would get along :) Just let me know!


naley_2006 November 12 2012, 00:12:28 UTC
Hey Damien! I'm 18 and from the US and it seems we have lots in common! Most of my friends are from Asia, so I'm very used to English not being their first language and I'd love to help you with yours :) Also, How I Met Your Mother? Perfection! You can email me at wemakeculture@yahoo.com. I hope to hear from you!


ext_1509071 November 22 2012, 18:51:07 UTC
Hi Damian i would like to be Snail Mail penpals with you if you dont mind :) message me Email: koneko_18@hotmail.com


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