
Jul 19, 2006 21:53

Regarding spirituality posts being made at Vox and not here:

Here, I've created a syndicate. It won't check it again until sometime tomorrow, so my post won't show up on your friends list until then.

I wanted to create a new journal for my spirituality posts instead of a filter because I want to make this a public blog like Peeling a PomegranateRead more... )

spirituality, vox

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Comments 6

antithiscully July 20 2006, 02:33:52 UTC
yes, thanks!


mysticpenguin July 20 2006, 04:45:44 UTC
That's an interesting use for Vox. I've seen a lot of people get accounts there lately and just sort of have them, but this seems a unique use of it. Nifty.


nicci July 20 2006, 15:04:05 UTC

so how did you make the feed?


pennywhistle July 20 2006, 15:06:39 UTC
There's a link on Vox that says "subscribe to this journal" or something. It's in the lower left corner. I copied that link and put it in LJ's "create a syndicate feed" maker thing.


nicci July 20 2006, 15:22:09 UTC

i didn't do it that way, but i figured it out. also, if you want the cute lil feed icon, as show here: nicciwashere, you just use the lj user tag and put in the title of the journal you want to link.


pennywhistle July 20 2006, 15:22:57 UTC
Kewl ^_^ I added your feed to my LJ ^_^


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