
Dec 21, 2006 19:10

Uh so let's write. I had my tonsils out three days ago, and tonight I was able to eat a scrambled egg and some jello. I was excstatic. The scale said -10lbs, doctor estimated i'd drop around 15. yay! i feel terrible. i was puking nonstop the first two days, so they took me off pain medicine today because it was irritating my stomach, and as much as ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

letmefall85 December 24 2006, 17:06:46 UTC
oh no! my lilep cant eat! but but but... my baby fatkid!! *tear* i will eat a lil extra and think of you! :) hope you feel better soon. tell brandon i said hi! we need to spend many days together next semester, since i will have more free time and i miss you :)


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