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Comments 102

medok May 19 2014, 15:53:39 UTC
due to last world news shoud say: Stop russians.


Хватит нацисткого идиотизма andrey_kaminsky May 19 2014, 16:20:35 UTC
News should say: Stop idiots who are uttering nonsense. Russians are different. Someone should be stoped, some should not.


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 16:21:47 UTC
How are Russians different?


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма andrey_kaminsky May 19 2014, 16:42:31 UTC
Some of them are infants, there is no need stop them, it is enough to turn them into slaves. Other, of course, should be shot in the name of Goodness and Justice!)


just8sec May 19 2014, 15:55:17 UTC
>I've never once seen a political ad of this nature in the Moscow metro or on a Russian bus. Do they exist? Should they? Discuss.

It was the question I would ask you during reading your post. The coverage of events are shocking to me (since Georgia) It's like we have cold war version 2.0


peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 16:59:04 UTC
Yes, return to the Cold War. Sitting in America, I feel the same.


just8sec May 19 2014, 17:13:47 UTC
I left US partly because of that. I got the news about attack (08/08/08) from my Internet friend (Ucraniane who supported first maidan, but got smarter before second happened). He was saying, being against Russia that time, the opposite to what main media showed.

I knew some smart Americans, so I can't possibly have hard feelings against all those following the main stream. A lot of Russians which never left country would. For a very good reasons. Add tons of bots from each side and you have hatred.

How many mistakes did I make? ^)


peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 17:16:03 UTC
You lived in the U.S.? Where? "How many mistakes did I make?" If you're speaking about your English, then almost none. :)


real_marsel May 19 2014, 16:11:35 UTC
Islam is a very dangerous phenomenon and should be banned.


peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 16:59:44 UTC
Your statement is very bold! I don't support banning of any religion, especially one of the most popular in the world.


Israel v. Palestine - Free Speech on American Public Transport livejournal May 19 2014, 16:13:03 UTC
User deniszorin referenced to your post from Israel v. Palestine - Free Speech on American Public Transport saying: [...] Оригинал взят у в Israel v. Palestine - Free Speech on American Public Transport [...]


deniszorin May 19 2014, 16:13:12 UTC
Бей чурок!


peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 17:05:59 UTC
Английский перевод? Не понимаю. :((


plushevii_zaits May 19 2014, 18:47:04 UTC
"We need to beat the shit out of of colored people."


peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 18:48:12 UTC
Thank you!! I don't know Russian ethnic slurs.


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