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Comments 178

qi_tronic January 15 2016, 12:44:44 UTC
Inside the country I feel no crisis.
But of course it has become much more expensive to travel abroad.


peacetraveler22 January 15 2016, 12:45:20 UTC
Well this is good news. :) And, in general, I know you have great faith in the political leadership of your country.


qi_tronic January 15 2016, 12:51:18 UTC
Oil prices are not in Putin's power anyway.
We could have low oil prices without strong leadership or low oil prices with strong leadership.
The latter is better :)

It's a good chance for Russia to start exporting something else, not oil.
BTW I read somewhere that export of software from Russia worth 7 billion dollars while arms export is 15.
I mean, that Russia is not Saudi Arabia or Venecuela and it has a lot of valuable things inside besides oil and gas.


merinainen January 15 2016, 13:12:29 UTC
In whose power are prices? In Obama's?
Obama set up "vertical vlasty"? Obama rejected food products from Europe? Obama did nothing to develop Russian
economy and production rather then oil extraction? Or it should be Erdogan and Poroshenko?
And don't lie that crisis has no effect on our lives over here in Russia!


barabaan January 15 2016, 12:45:32 UTC
Impacts, but not dramatically. I think its usefull for Russia.


peacetraveler22 January 15 2016, 12:46:25 UTC
In what way is it useful? To build domestic production and tourism?


barabaan January 15 2016, 13:03:58 UTC
yes, but at first we should learn how to live without oil rent. On our own labor.


askold_kr January 15 2016, 13:05:23 UTC
Дает стимул к перестройке структуры экономики.

Как раз то, что американцы называют умным словом diversification - в конце концов российская экономика будет меньше зависеть от продаж нефти и газа.

>written by alarmists and pessimists

Да достали уже эти ублюдки)). Причем самое забавное в том, что большая часть этих блоггеров живет в Москве и живет весьма и весьма зажиточно.


el_loko January 15 2016, 12:46:03 UTC
"Crisis" is not the correct word for these circumstances.
I feel final of epoch.


peacetraveler22 January 15 2016, 12:47:35 UTC
In what way is this crisis different from others in Russian history? Seems like the history of the country is rather cyclical.


el_loko January 15 2016, 13:16:14 UTC
History is repeating, but my life is too short to compare.
From my point of view, now we are at the end of putin's "era of well-being".
That crisis is not similar with 1989 or 1998, but the game of "sale oil, well-being, low freedom level" is over.


irinalk89 January 15 2016, 12:51:11 UTC
I started to forget the view of babushkas going to supermarkets and counting every kopeck, which they do not have enough to buy simple food. Last time I saw them was in 90-ies. Almost in every family surronding me one person lost a job in 2014 and remains jobless. Supermarkets changed the products they are offering towards cheaper ones. By the way, gas is getting more expensive day by day.


Это такой способ жить - от кризиса и до кризиса andrey_kaminsky January 15 2016, 12:53:54 UTC
Currently people don't yet have a sufficient sense of crisis. Money became less, but many things have been purchased previously and still not come into disrepair. Then, when people come to the need to buy new shoes, a computer, a battery for the car, then many will enjoy the fullness of sensations.


Re: Это такой способ жить - от кризиса и до кризиса qi_tronic January 15 2016, 13:01:38 UTC
My wife just has bought a pair of shoes with great discount.
It is mostly a sellers' problem now who cannot make 300% profit on import anymore.

Before the crisis Lego in Moscow cost almost 2 times more than in USA.
IKEA in Moscow also was one of the most expensive in the world.
This is something wrong with it.
I hope now they will be forced to have lower prices of leave the market.


Re: Это такой способ жить - от кризиса и до кризиса andrey_kaminsky January 15 2016, 13:13:59 UTC
Do i have to argue with you or just to laugh. I choose to laugh:)


Re: Это такой способ жить - от кризиса и до кризиса qi_tronic January 15 2016, 13:23:56 UTC
Good for you.
You argue too much.


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