Challenge: Mirror, Mirror

Oct 09, 2010 23:46

Welcome to the Mirror 'Verse

Imagine a dark and tantalising mirror, through which the world is both the same and totally different to the one you've come to know; the pious and proper school teacher is reflected back as a hell raising harlot and politicians are seen as saints. It is a universe where all we know has been subverted and although the people you meet will seem familiar they are in most ways the opposite of what you thought to be true.

This is a universe where anything is possible, because all the obstacles you've come to know have been taken away, and a whole new playing field has been opened for your enjoyment.

Just imagine a shy and demure Olivia Spencer or a rule breaking, seat of her pants Kate Ashurst and you get the idea. It's an idea that should be familiar to the Trekkies on the community, but it's an idea that can apply to any fandom or pairing.

So, your challenge is to write a story, create a graphic or edit a video to explore the Mirror 'Verse and the dark shadows that inhabit its depths.

All entries should be posted to the community by Friday, 10th December, so you have two months to create something spectacular (no word/time/size minimums or limits).

Challenge courtesy of harper_m (paraphrased by me)


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