Title - Beautiful and Cruel
Fandom - Guiding Light
Pairing - Natalia/Olivia
Warnings and Spoilers - Spoilers for June 15th - 18th. Angst. Very Natalia-centric.
Summary - Natalia sees herself in everything else. One-shot
Rating - PG
Notes - I honestly have no clue about this one. I don't like it. Bleh.
Natalia had one thought run through her head when they first met.
You are so beautiful and so cruel.
Of course, the wounds were not apparent then. Hidden underneath Olivia's sarcasm and boldness was years of disappointment and anger. But back then, Natalia didn't care.
She didn't feel like a servant of God. She felt like a woman who was tired of losing out and didn't mind playing to win. She didn't mind being a 'bad' girl back then.
And the lack of pious actions led to death.
That is how Natalia saw things and that is how Natalia saw God.
You are so beautiful and so cruel.
Of course, God is a mystery and she didn't understand the plan laid out, the road created from sorrow and pain that God expected her to walk
Back then, Natalia didn't grasp a single thing.
Not Nicky dying. Not his heart going to another. Not Rafe and jail. Not Springfield or love or being alive.
You are so beautiful and so cruel.
She is looking in the mirror, trying to see past her dark-brown walls and into her soul.
And she ignores the weeping to come, the hot tears that will surely fall. And she shoves aside the anguish of a devotion denied, of little boy arms grown and closed.
Natalia looks at her own image and tries to halt the want deep within, the urge to reach out and keep Olivia close.
And Natalia has one thought in her head as she walks away.