So once upon there was an Allen Rper named Yuff. Yuff wanted to RP Allen, but she needed a loss for him. So the Yuff picked the loss of his godhaxx ability to detect akumas and demons and the Yuff was very happy with this loss for over three years! It was a nice loss, one that made the Yuff worry less about what Allen could see or about godmodding anything. It would even continually pop up as a source of aggravation for the Allen since he really wanted his eye back! It was a happy win-win-win time for the Yuff.
But all good things much come to an end, and the big evil Mangaka decided to bring the Yuff's happy time to an end by revealing that the godhaxx ability Yuff was so happy not to deal with was the thing that actually kept Allen from going berserkeeeeeer and killing everyone around him with evil laughs.
True story.
So yeah with that being said, Allen is getting knocked out sometime during the showdown today. He'll be out until most likely sometime this weekend (leaving me enough time to catch up on homework and spend time with the family) and once he wakes up his loss will be changed so he can No longer activate his Innnocence to 100%. Meaning he'll have no hax sword or any of the moves that go along with it. He can still use his innocence...he's just not as powerful anymore! And he will be upset about it because that was a huge point of pride for him and now he lost his method to fight people without killing humans.
This loss change unfortunately brings on some complications with Allen.
Once the loss change happens, Allen will have the ability to sense if someone is either an Akuma or has/uses dark energy of some sort. Pretty much this translates to two variations:
1) If you're a creature that is powered by some trapped soul, he will be able to see the soul. Not only that but anyone who is standing next to him will be able to see it too. Don't know how often this will come up besides maybe Robin, but there you go.
2) If a person has/uses dark/demonic energy, he can see it in the form of a dark haze depending on how well they conceal it. Kind of think of it like Guts's brand, but slightly easier to hide from and less bleeding. For example, if Riful completely conceals her yoma energy - Allen wouldn't be able to sense her at all. But if she went in full awakened mode - she'd look like a giant black cloud of darkness to him. It also doesn't work on Noahs.
Unfortunately his range is pretty...huge (300 yards and through objects wtf), but luckily with so many demons it'd be picking up that will probably make it a bit harder for him to locate any evil demons doing their evil thing. Believe me, I don't want this ability to make him so godmoddy he cockblocks everything. If anything, there are plenty of ways that his curse can not work if it works better for a plot.
BUT IF YOU WANT YOUR CHARACTER TO BE SENSED BY HIM, just let me know OOCLy! I'll probably get a permission post up eventually for him, but until then just say so in comments or over IM :D If you rather he couldn't sense your character, just talk to me and we'll find ways to work around that!
This has been mod approved!
AND IN COMPLETELY DIFFERENT the battle tonight, I have class so I won't be joining until about 9:30 EST...but would anyone like Infected!Reno to pop up in their battle thread with cookies and assurance that they can talk it all out? I don't want him to jump on any threads where he's not wanted but it could be a fun random crack thing sfjkldsfds .