Aug 27, 2009 16:40
Hey guys. So after much contemplation, and discussion with the mods, I'm going on an extended hiatus. I've been so inactive, and I was seriously considering dropping a good chunk of my characters, but the problem isn't really with them. My creativity in general is taking a hit, and I think it's due to my illness and some...other things.
So I'm going out of business in RP-land until October, and hopefully by then the spark will be back. If not, I'll deal with it appropriately then. Obviously with some of my characters, I can't really imply their activity if shit goes down, so most of them are going on a loss.
→ Aang is going on a child loss! How can a child go on a child loss, you say? Why, he's turning into a baby! A baby with arrows (yes he's keeping those, just so people know who he is), and Appa is joining him! Of course, Appa is the size of a normal child when a baby, so he'll be carrying around baby Aang on his back, while baby Momo helps guard him, until someone friendly feels like caring for the three of them. ♥ All friendly volunteers are welcome.
→ Joshua honestly doesn't need a loss. He doesn't care enough about anyone to stay in touch if he doesn't want to. He's been pretty clear-headed lately, so he'll possibly be catatonic most of the time, which poor Shannon gets to deal with. ...Except for the week that Faye gets Shannon, then the ghosts get to deal with it. (Shannon-mun, I need to talk to you about that).
→ Jr. is going on a weird loss where he's gonna be forced to be stuck in someone else's body. Or rather, their mind. Obviously only someone who knows his canon well can pull this off, so Kiku's Shinji gets to be stuck with him. Dear God, help them both.
→ Lana, lastly, will be going on a Sleeping Beauty loss. She's going to appear back in her room in the castle, asleep in her bed perfectly posed, gown and princess room decorations and all. Complete with the package? Thorns in front of her door, which will be open. Any Prince Charming wannabes are free to take a snog at her, if they can get through the thorns. If anyone gets through them, they'll grow back after that person leaves.
And, that's it! I'll still have AIM on, so if anyone posts anything relevant to my characters or whatever, feel free to IM me or email me to let me know. I'd still be happy to read posts/threads here and there.
Otherwise, see you guys in a month. ♥