"Five Reasons Owen Harper Waters Plants", Torchwood, Owen gen

Jan 28, 2008 14:52

Title: Five Reasons Owen Harper Waters Plants
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Owen; Suzie, Gwen, Ianto, Tosh
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Genre: Gen
Spoilers: Teeniest spoilers for Sleeper.
Summary: Five drabbles. Does what it says on the tin.
Author’s Notes: My second favourite part of Sleeper was Owen randomly spraying plants with water through a ( Read more... )

character: gwen cooper, character: suzie costello, character: ianto jones, character: toshiko sato, tv show: torchwood, type: gen, character: owen harper

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Comments 36

sleepyheathen January 28 2008, 18:35:05 UTC
Okay, honestly, I had a serious moment of, "Forget the rest of the episode - what the fuck is OWEN doing taking care of a PLANT"?!?!
So this really speaks to me, the person who can disregard an entire plot in favour of random prop handling.


paperclipbitch January 29 2008, 16:52:18 UTC
I think everyone had that moment! I was far more interested in Owen's random plant looking after than I was in any of the other parts of the episode. I don't even know what they were discussing at the time, I was so distracted by the plant!

Ahem. So I can totally empathise with you ;) Thanks for reading sweetie.



theohsocurlyone January 28 2008, 18:41:16 UTC
Hurrah! This is so sweet, in a sort of Owen-like, off-kilter way. Plus, Owen and Ianto snark; always fantastic!

Gwen raised her eyebrows; apparently she’d thought he was going to suggest some kind of orgy room.


...nope, that image won't get out of my head for a while.

(If those four had an orgy, I think the Universe may explode with the hot. Or weirdness. Or maybe both.)


paperclipbitch January 29 2008, 16:55:51 UTC
Owen&Ianto snark is always the best kind! And I think Owen is sweet, in a very random and not always entirely comprehensible way. *hugs him*

Best. Orgy. Ever. Oh, how pretty. Though I might exclude Gwen and replace her with Captain John, as a preference ;)

Thanks sweetie!



rushhour January 28 2008, 20:02:29 UTC
Aw, this was so well done! There definitely needs to be more Owen-centric pieces in the world.

Hm, but I thought the reason why Owen has the plants were already explained on the UK Torchwood website. Something about how the plants aren't really from Earth and they produce a substance similar to caffeine (natural on the alien planet), so Owen has taken to using it during long late-night shifts. Or something of that sort.


paperclipbitch January 29 2008, 17:03:25 UTC
I thought the reason why Owen has the plants were already explained on the UK Torchwood website.

Yeah, but who needs canon, right? ;) Also, I haven't had time to check the website this week, so I didn't know. Ah well!

Thanks sweetie. There definitely needs to be more Owenlove out there!



karaokegal January 28 2008, 21:50:27 UTC
Awwwwww. Owen & Plants! (And Suzie love!) And Tosh. So much loveliness.

Thanks for posting the Owen love because, damnit, the man deserves it and he's never going to get enough from the fandom as a whole. :(


paperclipbitch January 29 2008, 17:08:11 UTC
Your icon is so cute!

As long as we're around to give out lots of Owenlove, I like to think we're providing a service. Poor sod. He winds up a charicature so much...

Thanks honey :)



zora_sourit January 29 2008, 13:04:17 UTC
Lovely! It's nice to know a place where the Owen is loved :)!
It's wonderful what you've made of that little gesture!
The first one was very touching and I definitely see Owen doing that. He's a big old softie, he's just very good at hiding it.

He experimented with cleaning up his own messes
LOL! I should do a few more of those experiments myself... seeing that Owen is brave enough to do it... naaah, maybe some other time.
And I love that Tosh noticed ;).
Layers, I say!

ETA: You said that was you second favorite moment... so, what was your first *sits, waits*?


paperclipbitch January 29 2008, 17:15:02 UTC
Owen will always be loved here, no matter what the writers decide to torment him with this series. He is wonderful!

Oh, I never experiment with tidying up my own messes, I always get other people to deal with them! ;)

Thank you very much honey.

My favourite moment? Owen propositioning Ianto and Tosh of course! I maintain that it totally happened, that's why we don't cut back to the Hub.



zora_sourit January 29 2008, 17:57:45 UTC
He is wonderful!
That he is! I just don't get it why not more people take notice *shakes head*. Oh well, sometimes I believe it is better to love a character that is not so much in the writer's center of attention. More room to interpret things the way we want them, ya know ;P.

LOL! Duh! should have known! Yeah, that was quite brilliant and you're so spot on why they didn't cut back to the hub


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