THISCharacter(s): Valerie and Larxene
Content: Face off
Setting: H3, near Cafe Ersesat
Time: Late Night
Warnings: verbal/physical encounters
It had taken awhile to convince Misha and Danny to let her go, but they’d let her finally. She had only to keep a rather close eye on her journal entries to know that Dan wasn’t the only one looking to start a fight. She’d already been wondering about this girl since her first entry, and now she was almost certain she had something to do with Timon’s “run-in.”
The heat didn’t escape this place, and that was fine when you traveled on a jet sled. Valerie had the run in with Dan, and she’d only had a little time to prepare. Well now there was all the time she needed. All the weapons were functional and working fine. The costume was equipped on her person, and she was at H3, precisely where she said she’d be. Valerie had a wandering mind, an inquisitive one at that. You get handed a map, you study it until its second sight. That thinking made high school bearable, and did the similar to preparing for battle.
After all, this wasn’t Dan. This was the girl she’d see make flippant self-deprecating comments on other people’s journals. It had been her misfortune that she didn’t take to insults that involved other people. No one could say the thing that woman said without having an ego the size of Mount Rushmore. So there was no underestimating the enemy here, no believing that she could overcome the odds. Now was the time to fight, down and dirty, blood for blood. What was more, she wanted answers. Larxene knew about the Organization or whatever it was. Knew, and wasn’t telling. If Valerie got injured, she’d at least want to know she did something in furthering why the hell she was here in the first place.
So Valerie stood beside a (fake) tree and waited.,