Challenge 7: Elements of Art

Apr 28, 2014 00:21

It's impossible to talk about fine art without discussing art theory and for this challenge we are going to take a break from works of art and look at the elements of art.

Elements of Art
For this challenge you will be making 6 icons, one each displaying primarily one of the elements; texture, space, shape, tone, line and colour.

Texture- texture is used to display a tactile property the work, which corresponds to our sense of touch. (Texture in this sense does directly correspond to the use of icon textures in this challenge, you may use them to create a textured look, however the image you are iconning may already contain texture which you can highlight)

naginis / theotherayn / pandavirus

Space- space corresponds to area around or within and object and may be positive or negative in nature.

marcasite / nyaza / reebeeca

Shape- shape is usually produced with use of other elements to produce areas of two dimensional space that may be geometric or organic in nature.

native_astronaut / poisonfield / lemonzter

Tone- tone refers to the value of light, through shadow and highlight

justmyb0nes / margerydaw_s2 / devilz_haircut

Line- line is the connection between two points

hsapiens / wickdshy / longerthanwedo

Colour- The three properties of colour are hue, value and intensity. Colour theory involves looking at the hues of colour and how they are used in conjunction with eachother.

(monochromatic, complementary, triatic)
bloodstream7 / second_love / petite_tomate

You've got 2 weeks.
Due 11/05/14 at midnight (GMT+10)

- You must submit 6 icons
- Icons must fit LJ specifications
- Icons must be new for each challenge
- Please post in a separate entry, tagged with the challenge number and your username
- Please post in IMG and URL format
- Any questions at all feel free to ask!

.challenge post, challenge#07

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