40 icons!

Jul 03, 2008 22:11

Yes, I've neglected my icon making. Here's a small batch to make up for it. And to celebrate
my second most favorite holiday!

- comment
- credit pirategoddess @ paintanelephant
- don't hotlink
- enjoy!

40 Various Icons.

[11] Keira Knightley
[11] Peter Pan
[03] bri_chan's Disneyland photography ( Read more... )

peter pan, *whensheflies, keira knightley, kushiel series, harry potter, disney

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Comments 7

ticcia July 5 2008, 20:40:31 UTC
took Draco, Luna.thks. =D


whensheflies July 5 2008, 20:59:50 UTC
Enjoy! And thanks for looking!


pirateluver July 9 2008, 06:50:49 UTC
you know me so I am going to give an idea of what I took....I took most of Keria Knightly ( yes even the one with Brouney---whatever her name is)...speaking of which you need one of her being taken against the book shelv....

took practically all of the peter pan movie icons....took all of harry potter and i took the last disneyland one too.


whensheflies July 9 2008, 06:57:45 UTC
hahahaha oh Briony. At least she doesn't look evil in that picture.

YAY!!!! ICONS!!!


sailtoneverland January 3 2009, 12:22:52 UTC


coltanheart February 9 2009, 11:11:25 UTC
Took some of the Peter Pan icons. They're lovely. :) I was wondering, though, what you made the live action ones from right after the ones from 2003? A show? A YouTube video? Disneyland/Disney World park videos/photos?


whensheflies February 9 2009, 19:10:53 UTC
They are indeed characters at Disneyland, I'm pretty sure the full photos are from bri_chan. :)


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