Lost/DW Fic: Turn Your Scars Into Stars (Sawyer, Donna, and Ten)

Nov 27, 2010 15:13

Title: Turn Your Scars Into Stars
Fandoms: Lost/Doctor Who
Characters Sawyer, Donna Noble, The Doctor (Sawyer/Juliet)
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 4,406
Disclaimer: Lost belongs to Darlton and DW belongs to Davies, so not mine.
Summary: While out drowning his sorrows at his favorite drinking hole, James has an unexpected encounter with The Doctor ( Read more... )

crossover, fic: doctor who, fic:lost, fic: the doctor, fic: sawyer, fic: donna, fic:sawyer/juliet

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Comments 9

magicamethyst80 November 27 2010, 21:57:35 UTC
First off, your Sawyer characterization is spot on. Love how his reaction to the TARDIS reminds him of Juliet and The Island ( ... )


ozmissage November 29 2010, 05:25:18 UTC
Thank you so much! I so want to see a fic where The Doctor is just let loose on the island. I think he'd have a blast. :D


magicamethyst80 November 29 2010, 17:19:18 UTC
With Doctor Who and the Whoniverse in general and the Island, there are all kinds of interesting things which can be done.


beyondthepen November 28 2010, 02:20:52 UTC

I just got super freaking excited about this fic as soon as I saw it. First of all, DW + Lost? Perfect. Donna Noble is the companion? UM YEAH, MY FAVORITE. Sawyer's there? UM YEAH, MY FAVORITE LOST CHARACTER. And it's Sawyer/Juliet? UM YEAH, MY OTP.

This DID not disappoint. Ahhhhhh, I loved it so much, I gushed about it to my friend on MSN and she kept going, WHAT ARE YOU READING AGAIN? and I was like OMG THIS SPECTACULAR CROSSOVER WITH ALL MY FAVORITE CHARACTERSSSSS!! Much like that.

Anyway, I LOVED IT. Thank you!


ozmissage November 29 2010, 05:26:16 UTC
Aww, thank you so, so much! You're too kind. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. <333


tia_no_one November 28 2010, 04:30:50 UTC


ozmissage November 29 2010, 05:26:32 UTC
Aww, thank you! :D


valhalla37 November 30 2010, 19:43:26 UTC
Oh my gosh, heartbreaking! I've only seen a handful of episodes of DW, but I know/love Donna Noble, and enough to realize this concept is awesome. I love that they encounter James (in the bar, the flirtini, hee!), the TARDIS, that he's able to go back to the island and that scene with Juliet -- just killer! And though the tragedy of everything hits home a little bit more, I love that at the end James does start to move on a bit more and see the value in stuff like his relationship with Clem. So fantastic!


ozmissage December 1 2010, 03:33:27 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I figured if anyone could snap James out of his wallowing it would be Donna Noble. :)


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