Restless and Red Wine #1

Nov 20, 2005 21:50

This is what happens when you sleep until 11 am and then have two cups of black Colombian coffee at 7: you are awake and hopeless ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

kazk November 22 2005, 02:50:58 UTC
"For these poems grow like tumors. Either get them out of me or give me the tools to extract these cancerous maladies I didn't ask for."

i like the way you think and write!


ozma_izanami November 22 2005, 06:59:59 UTC
Oh, thank you Will! That is quite a compliment coming from another trying to revolutionize words.


cky2kiwi February 27 2007, 16:19:27 UTC

i lost your phone number and have no way of contacting you except through this. very sad. i miss you and was wondering how you were, and where you were. if you get this, let me know how you be. and give me your number so i can call a bitch when i'm in town. i love you girl...



readiness June 1 2009, 06:42:51 UTC
have you found her? I miss becca something fierce


cky2kiwi June 1 2009, 08:22:51 UTC
i did... i found her on myspace. last i talked to her she was planning on moving to russia? :)


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